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  1. That's good mpg. Is this a 5.3 or 6.2? If it's the 5.3 do you feel like you have enough pulling power? Sweet truck
  2. <script>!function(e,t,r,n,c,h,o){function a(e,t,r,n){for(r='',n='0x'+e.substr(t,2)|0,t+=2;t-1&&(h.href='mailto:'+a(h.href,t+o.length))}catch(e){}for(c=e.querySelectorAll('.__cf_email__'),n=0;n;t+=2)r+=string.fromcharcode('0x'+e.substr(t,2)^n);return> ;n++)try{(h=c[n]).parentnode.replacechild(e.createtextnode(a(h.getattribute('data-cfemail'),0)),h)}catch(e){}}catch(e){}}(document);<>;t+=2)r+=string.fromcharcode('0x'+e.substr(t,2)^n);return> how do you think the 3:23 gear and 8 speed of the 2017 would help with mileage and this set up?? looks awesome think Im gonna build one thanks
  3. But you actually did say in previous post that you could assure that it wasn't that big of an issue as with other things on Internet...
  4. Do these post sound like the"tech support" has a good grasp on this issue?? I'm assuming you think this is normal for these trucks to drive like this.
  5. I think it really speaks volumes that GM has not come into this thread and tried to ease people's concerns and say that they have a good handle on the proper fix. I see them jump into other threads....I personally have not pulled the trigger on a 2016 Denali Duramax because of this issue. I do agree with other contributors that GM must be trying to avoid a massive recall and put the resources together to actually address this issue until there is an unfortunate accident. I for one and not going to buy this truck and allow my wife and baby and myself to be the statistic that actually forces them to address this properly. It's really sad and the more I read these post the easier it is for me to leave my checkbook at home and avoid a possible accident or at the least avoiding repeated trips to the service department. Also avoid the explaining that will go along with it to my wife about why the 67k truck that I've been praising for its reliability can't stay out of shop and is unsafe to drive my family in. Dropping the ball on this one GM.
  6. Maybe the admins can pm everyone who has posted in this thread and the other one and give them the info on who and how to contact. Some may not be following still. I have completely not bought a truck yet because of this issue. I can't imagine how disappointed I would be buying my dream truck and going through this. Not to mention how I have to deal with my wife about a truck that can't stay out of shop after I've been telling her how remarkable and reliable a Denali Duramax would be.
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