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Door glass replacement '02 Tahoe

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I have an '02 Tahoe LS which had the passenger side door window broken/shattered. I bought a replacement window and I have the door broken down to the point to accept the replacement.


Based on some tech write-ups posted the instructions are sketchy at best. The short end of the story is to situate the window perpendicular to the door and then rotate the window towards the front while slowly steering the glass back into the tracks and lower mounts.


The issue I am seeing is the glass is seating into the side impact cross member in the door and no matter what I try it will not align into the tracks. As I really don't want to repeat the glass glitter show, how do I get the glass to seat without flexing the pane to the point of shatter?


It has been awhile.since I.messed with glass, but when I replaced my old sentras glass, I aligned it like you did but I also lowered the window bracket all the way down then tilted the.glass in as in grasping the top.and.turned the. Glass to the right so the edge went in first then most of the glass went in, rotated it upright, and then aligned on track and bracket. Hope this helps.


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