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GM Quits On Two More Large Car Markets


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John Goreham
Contributing Writer, GM-Trucks.com

General Motors will stop selling its vehicles in India and South Africa. The company's CEO, Mary Barra said in a statement reported by the Detroit Free Press, “As the industry continues to change, we are transforming our business, establishing GM as a more focused and disciplined company. We are committed to deploying capital to higher return initiatives that will enable us to lead in our core business and in the future of personal mobility."


This is just the latest move by GM to concentrate its sales and manufacturing efforts in China and North America after having pulled out of Europe. GM plans to transform some manufacturing operations in India into an export operation aimed at Mexico's consumer market. Which is interesting, if you think it through.





Do not know what foreign markets are and frankly could care less. But if GM is pulling out to concentrate on more profitable North American markets that is good . Have to add if so GM also might want to get a handle on better control of quality and standards of outside vendor supplied components . GM might also want to address their issues of customer care and service of known issues such as the well known shake and vibrations, horrible premature AC failures on 2014 thru 16 models as reported by customers. Programming of tranny shifting and so forth. In todays world the mindset seems to be well it is made good enough and besides we are selling them as fast as we make them . Fine and dandy until you reach the saturation point of virgin buyers and you need them repeat CUSTOMERS. Oh you mean them repeat CUSTOMERS that left because of above issues and ensuing customer treatment ? Why they left the building and they are not coming back....Food for thought in mho.


“As the industry continues to change, we are transforming our business, establishing GM as a more focused and disciplined company. We are committed to deploying capital to higher return initiatives that will enable us to lead in our core business and in the future of personal mobility."


Translated: We are pulling out of these two countries and are going to stop wasting our money trying to get them to buy GM cars, since way too many of them don't have money to spend on GM products anyway. Instead we are going to put that money into places that make us money and have people who want to spend money on GM products!


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