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Noise on a cold start

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I have a noise that happens on a cold start that I can’t for the life of me identify! It happens only when it’s cold, and only for about a minute until it warms up then it goes away. Truck runs fine, but I’ve just never heard this noise before and I’m worried. Has anyone ever heard this before?  It doesn’t let me upload a very long video so I’ll try to get a better one tomorrow morning when it’s cold. Thanks! 

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I haven’t located it yet. It goes away so quickly I don’t have time. But it sounds like the front right, and it gets a bit worse when I hit the gas a bit, then goes away when I give it more gas, at about 1000 rpms.  It’s very strange. 

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I love the truck. I’ve only had it a month and already had to replace the rack and pinion.  So it was a bad buy, although they paid to replace it. But this issue they won’t touch. They say they can’t re create the sound, however it happens ever. Single. Time it starts when the temp is below 60 degrees.

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