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Torsion bar question (2000 z71)

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Well I think it's time to bite the bullet and crank my torsion bars, I'm tired of the nose down look, the truck needs a few inches up front. Questions.... 1st, is it absolutely a must to get the truck realigned after the bars are adjusted? 2nd, does anyone have some good info on their site on how to do this. any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Well I think it's time to bite the bullet and crank my torsion bars, I'm tired of the nose down look, the truck needs a few inches up front. Questions.... 1st, is it absolutely a must to get the truck realigned after the bars are adjusted? 2nd, does anyone have some good info on their site on how to do this. any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

See my site http://www.2500HD.cjb.net under 'Info/Tech>Todd's Info>Torsion Lift'.


All you have to do is crank both sides an equal number of turns.  I think a front end alignment would be a good idea because your camber will change.  I doubt you'll be able to get 2" out of them but 1" should be easy enough.

it telling me that link under the page cannot be displayed?

opps..  Sorry, it must have not made the move.  Try it now.


if u do not alighn it your tires will probably wear more and there might be minor handleing/breaking loss as your tires will not be perfectly square to the ground anymore if u have the firepops and u want them gone this is a good way to do it  :(


I cranked my bars and here is how I did it.

1. Park the truck on a level surface.

2. Take a tape measure and measure from the ground to the top of the wheel well. I used the center of the wheel as a mark.

The reason for this is if your truck is uneven to start with you can level it.

3. Assuming that your truck is level, crank each bar an equal number of turns and remeasure as you go.

You can use a jack to make the cranking process easire but it is not nessary.

I took 5 turns on one side and 5 and a quarter turns on the other. My truck was not level to start with. I got 3/4 of an of lift from my turns. Make sure you have some space between the top of the cam and the cross member.

Nothing to it. But you will need to get the front end aligned when you are done. The ride is a bit stiffer but not much.


a friend of mine is the service manager for the local GMC dealer. the next time my truck goes in for service, i was planninig on having the torsion bar adjustment done. he told me it wouldnt be necessary to have it realigned.


It's not neceassary to have it realigned if you are only lifting it less than 1". Anything after that, it would be a good idea. You'll have negative camber if you don't and you'

ll wear your tires unevenly and faster. I believe it's an 18mm bolt and crank clockwise to lift. It's not necessary to lift the weight off the truck but it makes it a little easier to crank. Just make sure you take before measurements and after. If you have a slight lean to one side, now is the best time to fix it. So cranking them both evenly is not competely true unless they are both even to begin with. Good luck and don't crank too much!


What about replacing the torsion bars with heavier duty ones instead of cranking them or installing the leveling kits?  Any pros or cons to this?


It's another way to approach it.  Gives you lift and you'll have to get an alignment.  The t-bars are about 250 a pair w/ shipping and for part numbers and load ratings you can go to my site, it's in the gm part numbers area.  It's a good idea to go this route if you are eventually going to go w/ a lift kit and bigger tires.  The stronger t-bars will hold up better.

I'd get the heavier rated ones because if you get the new keys the 1/2 ton bars will end up sagging eventually depending on how high you go.  The stronger bars should not

Like I posted, I cranked my bars but I am planning on changing the stock bars to 3/4 ton bars. I would like to see my truck sit level. I may also put a Fisher snow plow on my truck eventually.


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