General Motors is beginning the reopening process today.

Workers have been prepared in advance to know what to expect, and how to conduct business in the new COVID-19 environment. That includes new “worker distancing” mandates, personal protective equipment, and pre-shift health checks.

General Motors’ employees report to their first day of work. (Photo by AJ Mast for General Motors)

“We’re taking every precaution we can to make the workplace safe for them for when they come back.” Dr. Jeffery Hess, Medical Doctor for General Motors told local news station WLNS in Michigan. “We’re going to have a lot of medical staff on hand on Monday. We want to help employees be comfortable with the provisions we put in place and for them to understand how they are being protected.” Said Dr. Hess.

(Photo by John F. Martin for General Motors)

Masks won’t be a problem. GM is now banging out medical masks at a rate of 3 million per month.

One part of the re-opening is community monitoring. Should cases in the communities where workers reside spike, the plan is to again shut down the plants until a plan can be reshaped to ensure the safety of the community in which plants operate.