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Mr&Mrs. America,


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Since this is a truck forum, I figure most of(not all) has some type of interest in firearms. Trucks and firearms seems to go together just fine by me. So..


I was reading my Freedom 1st and came across an very interesting article. This year is a major year for people who own and respect their firearms. Klinton's 1994 "crim bill" expires in Sept. The anti firearm folks are already trying to get HR2038 passed. In it is some nasty stuff. For instance..If passed it will ban "any" semi auto shotgun or rifle that the Attorney General claims is not sporting. It will ban semi autos with a fixed clip of 10. It also bans 65 guns by name. Ban seemi auto pistols with a clip of 10. The thing that is real bad is the new bill would ban private sales of firearms and begin the registration process by requiring manafacturers to track almost every part of a firearm and dealers will have to report their entire stock of parts and complet firearms.


This is not right. Number 2 is by far the most important part of America's constitution. Without it you can kiss the rest of it good by and might as well move to Australia, where they are now attempting to ban crossbows. Man o man what a joke. I am sorry firearms are used to kill and stupid people use them to kill themselfs. But I would say 99% of firearms are used as a tool for protection and entertainment. Plugging holes in paper or tin cans or in defense of ones family. I feel sorry for victims of crims with firearms. But it was not the weapons fault it was the manaic behind the trigger doing the deed. Not the firearm.


If you get a chance and can find this article it is worth reading.It is written by Chris Cox and is titled Mr. &Mrs America Turn them all in. It is on page 26.


If you do not know Freedom first is a NRA publication and this month's issue is very good. :sigh:

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People are retarted. They are going to end up making good people defenceless. Look at England, the cops carry sticks and the criminals carry guns. Criminals will always be able to get the guns they want. Why do people think they buy them in a d**n gun shop anyway. :sigh: If I wanted to, I could go break into a house and steal somebody's gun, or I could drive down to the south side of Longview and buy a gun for $200 that somebody else already went to the trouble of stealling. These retards trying to pass this s**t think that what they are doing will make a differance, or some s**t like that, but like I said before they just make people that would have a firearm for protection defenceless.


What is this about banning semi autos with a clip of 10? So does this mean a police officer would not be able to carry his stagered row 15 round magazine. I remember the bank shootout that happened a while back, when the robers had M16's or AR15's and they blew the cops away. The cops had to go get M16's from a gun store to have a chance against them, and by the time they did they had already killed several of the officers.


Sorry for the long post. Just don't think that by banning certain weapons they can make a differance. Hell the guns used in crimes are already illeagle for variose reasons anyway.

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Even if they do pass this law no firearm will leave my house with out large sums of money coming in. The only people that would give up their guns if the laws pass are those who wouldn't use their guns for harm in the first place. IMHO to be blunt outlawing guns is completely stupid. :sigh:

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Not going to happen thanks largely in part to the house,which has already stated that any bill renewing the ban will be handily defeated.The radical bill which you refer to is a ploy by Dianne Feinstein,amongst others,to try and use as leverage in the '04 elections which by the way is when the current ban is set to expire,not this year.


What many gun control advocates do not realize is that the current ban affects cosmetic features for the most part.Granted,you can't use removeable flash hiders or actual telescoping stocks on post ban assault rifles but that is the majority of the bill's content.We have the original President Bush to thank for the ban on imported assault rifles which is very restrictive on foreign manufactured guns.He signed the permanent ban into law in 1989.The loop hole,of course,is that foreign weapons can be imported into the US and assembeld with a set amount of American manufactured parts and thus makes them a domestic rifle and therefore do not have to adhere to all of the ban's guidelines.American made rifles can still be made to accept hi capacity magazines and such,just not the tele-stock or a flash hider like mentioned above.If the bill does sunset in 2004,which all indications say it will,then these restrictions will become a non issue.


What really irritates me is when certain political parties try and use statistics for justifying the ban ie:these guns are bad because they are made to kill.This is true but my guns have never killed anyone just as the vast majority of other legal gun owners firearms haven't either.The fact that they like to hide,and anyone that watched the show on the History Channel a while back about the bombing of Pearl Harbor can back me up on this,is that private gun ownership was the main deterrent of a full Japanese invasion after the bombing of Pearl.On this show,A then Japanese high ranking officer was asked why Japan didn't invade and his response was (not a quote,don't remember the exact wording but you get the picture) "An invasion was not even an option because at the time,over 70% of American households contained guns and they could have overwhelmed us with pure numbers alone".A statement like that by its self makes me question why certain government factions fear a legally armed public.


I am honestly waiting for the bill to expire because my 33rd b-day is the day after it expires and I'm thinking a nice gift is in order to commemorate the expiration. :sigh:


In closing,one of my favorite all time sayings:"Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns have".

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