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Opinions on paint coatings like Opti-Coat or cquartz?

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Does anyone have any experience with any type of paint coatings like Opti-Coat, Opti-Glass or Cquartz?


During my research, I came across a thread of several professional detailers who used Opti-Coat and stopped offering it because it worked too good. One person admitted that he immediately saw a drop off of his previous repeat customers. Another was no longer offering the Opti-coat and is only offering Cquartz (I'm assuming because it is less permanent)


I'm looking for something that will give me a little more forgiveness when it comes to frequency of washing and waxing.


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I am considering one of these two. I've been doing my research and am leaning towards CQuartz Finest. It appears to protect against scratches a bit better than OptiCoat. I will be taking the truck off-road at times and worry about brush scraping on the sides.


There is a body shop in my area that is certified to do both. Prices are practically equal between the two (I haggled a bit). I'm going to have him do the wheels two.


I am doing it primarily because I am lazy and do not want to wax a crew cab truck. Second is the scratch resistance. Looking at the videos online, they both look absolutely stunning. The shop I am considering shared this video with me of a car the did with CQuartz.



Here are a bunch of photos of that car after treatment.



Here is a car treated with Opti-coat.



Not sure if you realize this but there is a ton of prep work required for both products. They polish and remove all defects from the paint (required even on new trucks) and then apply. They said they would need to keep the truck for 2-3 days.


Here is a video he shared with me showing the scratch resistance of CQuartz Finest. Long video but at the end they run a scotchbrite pad across the trunk of a car with one half treated and the other not treated. I thought the results were compelling.




My truck is on order and I expect it before Thanksgiving. It will go straight to the body shop for the treatment.


Hope that helps.

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What was the price you were able to negotiate, if you don't mind me asking?


Definitely let us know if Cquartz meets your expectations, it looks like you've done your research and know exactly what it should do.

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Not at all. It was $575 for the prep work (level, remove defects, and polish) and $595 for the treatment. If I want to do the wheels it is $250 more. They pull the wheels, polish them on both sides, and treat the entire wheel.

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