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Autoride / Lowering YXL Denali Questions

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Got the Ground Force kit and installed the rear springs myself with

the dealership installing the front torsion bar adjusters.


When I got home the front was LOW almost slammed looking (no gap between the top of the tire and fender lip).


Started to tighten up the front adjuster bolts and started to bring the front up.


Here is my problem:


The DRIVERS side is still about a quarter of an inch to 3/8 of an inch from being level with the rear (without driver), and I have the adjuster bolt ALL the way in.


The passengers side level with the front and rear @ 34.5" and I still have about 3 full turns LEFT in the adjuster bolt. Based on the way I have my bolts turned in I guess my front ride quality is VERY stiff (?)


What are my options to get it LEVEL?


I was thinking that the dealership may have installed the adjusters wrong and was wondering if they could be repositioned on the square end of the torsion bar a quarter of a turn, allowing me to back the bolt almost all the way out, and start raising from there by turning it in (but would it then be VERY VERY stiff)?

I am wondering if when the dealership installed the adjusters that they did NOT let the adjuster hang down below the cross brace and instead had it tucked up in the cross brace channel when they installed it on the bar end?




Should I try to adjust the rods on the auto ride to trick it and LOWER the rear so I can loosen, thereby lower the front to match the "lowered" rear?

Any thoughts?



As you can see there are few that know much about Autoride on this forum ... I've had little luck posting q's about it here over the last few years ...


Well what you describe is disappointing to say the least. I was pretty much set on getting the Ground Force 9958 kit for my 01 Hoe, but now am reconsidering from your report. But, I only have the stock 16" wheels with 285/65's so maybe it would not look so slammed (a look that I don't like).


On the rear of my 01 there is a leveling sensor on each side that looks like it could be modified to make the rear come down a bit; but, I have searched and asked everywhere and got no responses. There is a pivoting bracket that looks sorta like


and a rod goes into the last o ... it looks like it could possibly be moved to the first o which might fool the system and make the rear come down. But I haven't had the time to try it. Not sure if the later models are the same or not.


Please post back on whatever you find out!


Markeaux, thanks bro, I was beginning to womder if I had BO or something, LOL!!!


Don't get discouraged, the kit IS worth the price of admission, IMHO the truck looks a lot better, as I lost almost 3 inches in the rear, still have some space showing in the rear and you wouldn't think it's much until you see a stock one with its a$$ all up in the air with all that gap.

I now have the front level with the rear now at 34-3/8", but the drivers side Tbar Bolts are all but 1 turn from being all the way in.


If I could trick those sensors to get about a quarter to a half inch lower in the rear then I could lower the front some and have a more compliant ride (although I really don't think it is that stiff as from what guys say about tightening the T'Bar bolts down all the way on a stock truck with the stock cams)


Are the sensors that you are talking about on top of the frame slightly ahead of the rear axle (you need to remove the rear fender liners to get to them).


These are little motors / controllers that have a threaded rod with ball sockets on each end that connect it to the suspension arm.


I plan to take the tires off and remove the liners and see exactly what they do and see if I can figure this issue out.


Thanks for the moral support!

ask the guys at awdgm.com....its an all wheel drive forum.





Man what is wrong with the font or whatever on that forum? All posts have text that is alll run together - never seen that on any other forum (and I frequent a lot of different ones) ... or is it just a problem with my pc?


This is an example of what it looks like:


M y C 3 r un s g r e a t , b u t w h en I ' m p u l l in g a t r a i l e r f o r m o s t o f t h e d a y , t h e t r an s t e m p r un s u p t o a b o u t 1 8 0 - 1 9 0 . A l s o , w h en in l o w e r g e a r s , i t s e e m s t o w h in e a l i t t l e m o r e e x c e s s i v e l y t h en n o r m a l .


Never mind, looks like they rebooted and the problem is now gone.


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