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Gaskets VS RTV

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If you use a good gasket you shouldnt have any problems. I use a gasket where applicable and the RTV as insurrance. Or i use RTV in places where it is needed but there is no gasket. (front and back of changing an intake manifold)


I also like to put it on my tooth brush..but thats a whole different story.. :D


Some places RTV is better since intake was mentioned...SBC intake gaskets come with those rubber pieces for the front and back, I always toss those and just use RTV, plus I use RTV with gaskets on engine assembly. Rearends and transmissions etc... I use gasket only, just depends on the part.


Most of the time a good quality gasket and proper torque will seal just as good or better than RTV. As mentioned, they're easier to remove later as well. For instance, I just changed my diff fluid. GM gasket and proper torque with NO RTV and it's dry as a bone.


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