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DTC P0446 and P0449 solution?




I think I am following all the posts correctly, can someone confirm?



Most likely cause is a clogged evap vent:

Order AC Delco p/n: 214-2082

Purchase ~10' of 5/8" bulk radiator hose

Replace vent solenoid and relocate filter box.




Most likely caused by a malfunctioning Evaporative Emission Canister PURGE solenoid.

AC Delco p/n: 214-1680

R&R part.



P0449 - How can I test the purge solenoid to confirm that it is the cause?




Edit to add: I was able to crawl under my truck after getting home from work. It appears as the filter box is already located above the transmission as described in the P0446 TSB.



(My apologies in advance for posting yet another P0446/P0449 thread...)

5 answers to this question

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I never found a method for testing the existing part, so I went for the replace & cross fingers method. Replacement of AC Delco p/n: 214-2082 seems to have solved the issue. I took the advice of some posters and moved the filter into a high location in the engine bay instead of on top of the transmission.


On to the next issue...


My truck already has the filter box located above the transmission, from the factory.


Does anyone know how to test the canister to see if it has failed? I'd rather test prior to replacing it, as it seems the canister is not always at fault.




canister fills up with dirt and WILL take out a new vent soliniod ,there is no testing,,,


the factory relocation is crap ,it gets just as much dirt access ,ive relocated many of them to the engine bay ...


my 2 cents


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