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Transfer case lube

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A local shop tried to sell me some transfer case fluid. I do not think it was the correct type so I opted out.


Is this fluid blue? red? What weight ????? :cheers::D


From my owner's manual:



Transfer Case

DEXRON®-III Automatic

Transmission Fluid.



Transfer Case



AUTO-TRAK II Fluid (GM Part No.

U.S. 12378508, in Canada



If auto, the common wisdom is to only use the blue GM Autotrac fluid ... This is my maintenance list:


Trans service: 5qt M1 ATF

Rear axle: 3qt M1 75w90

Front axle: 2qt M1 75w90

Transfer Case: 2qt AutoTrak II Blue GM: 12378508

If you want a better product, look into the Syn's.  Royal Purple or AMS oil I believe makes products for the transfer case.







AMSOIL does not make a direct replacement for the AutoTac II. For now just use the GM Auto Trac II. It isn't that expensive and it is only 2qts.




I got mine from Partszoneonline.com otherwise known as P&G CHevy. It was only like $4 something a quart. I got 3 Quarts but it only takes two. I did buy the replacement bolts with the dope (Teflon Tape) on them. I hope this helps. Also, make sure you take the fill bolt out first. You want to make sure you can put back in before you take out. :sigh:


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