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2 MPG increase

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For all of you midwest folks who have the availability to run 10% ethenol blended fuel, don't do it. Since I bought my truck last year, I have always run ethenol blended fuel, mainly due to the fact it is .05 gallon cheaper and has a higher octane rating. I have consistantly gotten about 12 MPG. The last 2 times I filled I used regular unleaded and paid .05 more per gallon, but am now getting 14 MPG. If my tank was completely empty it would cost me $1.30 more to fill my tank based on 26 gallons. If I can get 2 MPG better mileage that means I can go 52 miles farther on a tank of fuel. 52/14=3.71 gallonsX $2.79=$10.35. That means by spending an extra $1.30 up front, I save $9.05 per tank. The additional benefit is that by not buying ethenol, I am not subsidizing the farmers AGAIN. :chevrolet:

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You get less fuel mileage because Ethanol has less BTU's per gallon then gasoline.


Diesel : ~130,500 btu's per gallon

Gasoline : ~115,000 btu's

Ethanol : ~ 75,700 btu's



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I noticed an increase on my first tank of regular unleaded, not much but I did notice an increase. I suspect this was due to when I filled I still had a half a tank of ethenol blend. I let the first tank run real low and then filled with regular. Thats when I noticed a big difference. I should also mention that I do have a predator programmer that I have been running since this spring, so maybe a combination of the predator and the regular unleaded is whats giving me an increase. Either way I am happy.

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I noticed an increase on my first tank of regular unleaded, not much but I did notice an increase. I suspect this was due to when I filled I still had a half a tank of ethenol blend. I let the first tank run real low and then filled with regular. Thats when I noticed a big difference. I should also mention that I do have a predator programmer that I have been running since this spring, so maybe a combination of the predator and the regular unleaded is whats giving me an increase. Either way I am happy.






First of all, I would tend to believe that your programmer is the reason for the increase in gas mileage versus the ethanol, although there is some truth to the ethanol argument, but probably something more like 1/2 MPG, not 2 mpg.


Second, you live in the wrong state to be complaining about farmers. :chevy:

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When my tax dollars quit going to pay for the poor :D farmers I will quit complaining. In my line of work, if I endure a wet summer and don't make as much money as I could have, does uncle sam bail me out? No, and I don't expect them to.

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When my tax dollars quit going to pay for the poor :D farmers I will quit complaining. In my line of work, if I endure a wet summer and don't make as much money as I could have, does uncle sam bail me out? No, and I don't expect them to.





I'm assuming you don't know crap about farming by your comments (its possible you do). These payments aren't icing on the cake. When they kick in they are necessary to survive. Without them many farmers would be SOL. And even with the payments alot still aren't making it.


-Bryan (A Poor Farmer)

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Id like to sell motorcycle parts all day long and when I cant make it because the business isnt there, I want the govt to kick in some dough to support me.  Sound ridiculous?  It is......Welfare is not what makes the country great.





This isn't the place to argue about this but you are comparing apples to oranges. In farming you can't set a price you must take what the market gives. On top of that you have no clue how much you are going to produce. In most other industries you can set your price and you can control your supply. The government payments add a little stability to farmer's income. Plus its not like we pocket the money. Most if not all of it gets put right back into the economy buying inputs. Every year we buy seed, fertilizer, chemicals, etc that with good weather produce a good yielding crop and make a profit, but in a bad year we may not get enough back to cover these variable costs much less our fixed ones. Thats a tough situation. Believe what you will, I'm sure I have not swayed your opinion at all.

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I believe in the free market. I dont support welfare for the chronically poor unemployed. And I dont support welfare for farmers. If farmers cant make it on their own a new line of work might be in order....


Do not rely on the government, plain and simple.

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I believe in the free market.  I dont support welfare for the chronically poor unemployed.  And I dont support welfare for farmers.  If farmers cant make it on their own a new line of work might be in order....


Do not rely on the government, plain and simple.





Not that I need to be contributing to this.


But do you believe in paying $5 for an ear of corn and $8 for a can of green beans?


Because (as far as I can tell) that's what we'd be paying in a "free market" without gooberment subsidies to farmers.


Thanks, but I like corn on the cob, and I currently get it for less than a bucaneer.

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I believe in the free market.  I dont support welfare for the chronically poor unemployed.  And I dont support welfare for farmers.  If farmers cant make it on their own a new line of work might be in order....


Do not rely on the government, plain and simple.





Then there wouldn't be any farmers plain and simple. With prices as they are not one farmer could be profitable with the cost of our inputs. Its not that farmer Jim sucks so the government bails him out. All the bad farmers are out of the business or on their way out quick. We need some support. Prices aren't just supply and demand anymore. Its a global market now so if we have a shortage here in the US prices still may be low because Brazil had a great crop so world supply is high. Not to mention the speculators who play the grain markets only to make money not to hedge like farmers. Believe me not supporting farmers will hurt everyone including you.


Ok I've said all I can I'm obviously not going to change your opinion. Sorry for high jacking the thread.




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Without stepping in too deep, I am a farmer and I agree with Bryan's comments. It is not like we ENJOY the money, but it is a necessity. Before you go bashing the American Farmer, do some research and start with TRADE DEFICIT when you attempt to aquire information regarding farming.


If only one thing bugs me, it is people who complain about something they know VERY little about.

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