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considering Bilstien 5100 on my 6" lifted Sierra

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I have 6" BDS lifted 2010 6.2L 1500 crew cab sierra. I don't like the front suspension came with the lift kit at all. Its to harsh on the road and wobbly off it.

I am considering the 5100, but what size should I get? the BDS customer service provided the following details of my current shocks


Extended length 23.75"

Compressed: 19.70"


Should I replace them with the same size which btw I couldn't find ?

I don't tow that much but I off road every other weekend, would you recommend other option?


Note: I have a front Iron Bull Bumper installed and its really heavy, will the 5100 still perform ?


Bilstein only make the 7" to 9" adjustables and they are available through Cognito's website. That's what you want. BTW, BDS suspensions are known for their quality and their warranty. From our last conversation you may have shot struts, in which case have BDS get you some new ones, or take off the brush guard. It's killing your front end.


Blackout07: this is the first time I try BDS and I know their kits are considered high quality kit. But the fact is that I live in the Middle East and I had a friend (living at the states) to buy me the brand new truck and install the BDS for me.... He installed the kit in an "authorized reseller" who did not know what the heck he was doing!


Since he was an authorized reseller I assumed the truck should be in a perfect condition but guess what, Those are some of the things that I found wrong over time:


1- A total of 3 Main bolts in the front end were pretty loose ( first oil change)

2- Rear left added leaf spring had a steel spacer ( not from BDS ) that was loose ( not attached to the center bolt ) ( first Month )

3- None of the leaf springs clamps were installed!

4- None of the anti friction pads were installed


I contacted BDS several times and since I'm not in the states, all they could do is send me the clamps and friction Pads for free ( ±10$ )


Long story short, I don't trust his work at all. I am even in doubt that he even installed the front replacement Struts. The replacement and the OEM both look the same, I will not know it until I remove one and check it.


any suggestion ?


If you don't have a spacer, you have BDS struts. They are obviously longer than stock and would have lifted the front end. Your struts may be shot due to many variables, chief among them your bumper. Until you get your UCAs off the droop stops, you will not see any improvement in your ride. That is THE problem with the harsh ride. Your front end could also be "wobbly" because the ball joints are bad, which is likely if they are consistently at a harsh angle. You need to have your front end checked out before you put a band aid on the problem.


the bilstein struts will not work with your bds they're too long. like blackout is saying, i LOVED my bds kit. drove PERFECT could do 80 down the highway with one finger on the wheel, take both off and drive strait no issues no "wobbly"ness or anything. i'd deffinitly say you have something else wrong with the truck also i never had leaf spring clamps or anti friction pads on my rear AAL (never came in the kit) and i have zero issues ever with them. and trust me i drove it like i stole it.... my suggestion is to find a better shop.


Thank you guys for all the support.


After reading your replies I figured that we are not getting each other :D. Sorry english is not my first language.


Let me clarify things:


Issue #1 UCAs contacting droop stops:

The UCAs RARLY hit the droop stops. It only does that in extreme conditions, and from a previous thread I figured out that I'm not supposed to do what I was doing to the Truck :D my bad. Case closed.


Issue #2 Stiffness on pavement due to heavy Bush guard:

Its coming from two sources:


First Source: Tires

I tried to deflate the tires to 20 psi and drove the truck for a couple of miles and the stiffness reduced dramatically. I would say about 40% of the stiffness is coming from the tires.


Second Source: Shocks & Springs ( struts )

Due to the heavy wight of the Brush Guard, (while stationary and leveled) the shocks are a bit more compressed indicating excessive wight on the front side. As a result, the downward travel ( compression ) is reduced resulting in the harsh feeling on pavement.


-------------------------- Solutions--------------------------------

Solution to issue #1:


Replacing the upper control arm will increase the travel by ±20%, but I may have to replace the shocks as well ( the shocks might be the limiting element )




Cutting the Droop Stops ( not advisable by many )




Solution to issue #2:


First Source:

Replace Tires :D


Second source:

Either to charge the shocks more with Gas/OIl to be able to take the extra wight ( not sure if possible )


replace it with other shocks that are designed to handle the heaver wight


I need your help in the second part of issue #2.


Correct me if any of what I have said is wrong.


I wouldn't drive with only 20psi in my tires, and I can't see that as being a causative factor in your ride. If I were you I would first have my front end checked. Once that's done, I would look into some coilovers..which won't be cheap, but at least you can get some to handle the load and be dialed in. Or sell the bumper.


Thanks Blackout07, I only did that to see if the tires had an impact on the ride or not.


Ruggedlife: This is the first one I own, but not the first one to drive.


Changing springs to comp for the added weight would probbly help alot!, un bolt the bumper and take it for a ride!


Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


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