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Anyone have a wiring diagram for

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I need the headlight wiring diagram for my 1998 chevy. Im installing some fog lights on my truck and need to wire them into the lights. I would like to get the lights to only come on when I have the low beams on if possible.


Or if some in or around Kansas City has done this before and is willing to show me how(do it for me). I'ld go for that as well :D


I think that the easiest way to do this would be to just splice them into the headlight wire w/ some wire taps.  just so long as they aren't super powerful lights it should work.  Just remember in most states you can only legally run 4 lights on at a given time, and some of my friends have been busted for having 6 by country cops w/ nothing better to do.


Sorry, never wired up any extra lights.  I was going to put some behind the grill to keep it really clean looking but the tranny cooler is on the passenger side & I couldn't fit a light in there.  


I do have my lights wired so my low beams don't turn off when the high's turn on.


I went to the library to find a wiring diagram. But, they had everything but the headlight wiring. So, I said screw it and wired them into the headlights directly. I really didnt want the fog lights on with the daytime running lights. But, I had to do it. Now, to tackle the Kc Hilites when they get here. That should be a fun job. I hate playing under dashes.


Jon, yeah. I pretty much did what you said. I just used a wire splice to connect the wire that runs from the lights and spliced that into the brown wire for the headlights up on the drivers side fender. Works fine. Hopefully they arent pulling to much. I dont think they are, but you never know.


I would take you up your offer to help. But, your a little far north for me to do that in a day. I know a guy who would be willing to help me if I ask him to. Once they get here, I'll read the distructions and see how hard they are to do. Its just the under dash stuff I hate. Probably have to pull the front of the dash off to run the wiring and mount the switch, right?


I know my truck has a different set up, but running wires is pretty easy.  But, on my truck you can take apart the dash pretty quickly.  Just take your time and try to do it as neatly as possible.  I think I hooked up my off-road lights on the brush bar in about 5 hours.  But most of that was tapping into the trucks power supply and getting the aux lamps switch  working.


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