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Seat swap

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Anybody have ANY idea if a set of 2001 40-20-40 seats will bolt into a 1993 standard cab?


I saw a front set on Ebay that would be a GREAT addition to my '93 ton...It NEEDS a console and I would hate to lose that 3rd person seating.




really anything is possible w/ modfications.  I think it should work given all the dimensions are pretty close.  I'm sure it will require some new holes for the seats as well.  I'd say find someone w/ a new pickup and do a little measuring to compare them.


Well yeah...that would be me...I just wanted the easy way out.  :D


Seriously, tho, I do have a 40-20-40 seat in my HD and could do the measurements...geeze


Do I have to do everything for myself.   :)


well, i forgot about your new truck.  Here's another thought, just take a few hours, rip the seats out of both trucks and put the new ones in the old truck to see how well they line up.  You should be able to take your truck seats out in about 20 minutes, at least that's what I average.  I've got the socket sizes required on my website.  You'll need some metric deep sockets and a breaker bar (something to extend your ratchet if nothing else).  They come out very easy, just watch for the clip underneath the drivers seat so you don't rip out the wires.  Then set the seats in your old pickup to see how well they fit.  This way you can be garunteed an easy fit or a complicated job.  That's the best route to go IMO.


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