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hii guys first of all let me thank you for taking your time to look at my topic! :thumbs:



:help: i have a 2003 gmc sierra SLE 4x4 a few days ago the " 4WD SERVICE" light came on i try everything to reset it but it keeps on flashing everytime i turn my truck on ever since that my ABS/ PARKING BRAKE keeps flashing as well i took it to a mechanic nd it scan the codes on it wich it had plenty bottom line he told me i needed to replace the "transfer case control module" nd the"transfer case shift encoder motor"

the problem is this guy its charging me




to do the repairs wich i thought i was alot of money


ive been doing some research on the web and i found out that none of this are hard to replace i can do it my self my only problem is he said i would have to reprogram the TCCM can you guys help me out here!!??





do i need to program the transfer case control module after replacing it??





do u guys know any website where i can get this parts for cheap??







thank you so much guys for any help everything is well appreciated!















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