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Anyone know anything about the remote entry?

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Anyone know anything about the Key-less entry? For some reason the remote or the truck only works maybe 1 or 2 days out of the week. I only got one remote from the dealer ship when I bought the truck. I was wondering if there is a way of telling if the problem is the truck or remote. I dont want to pay the dealer to fix it, because by the time they get done I could have bought a new truck.

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I put a new battery in it thinking it that was it. But, it wasnt it. I went and talked to a friend of mine who works at one of the Chevy dealers here in town. He played with it. And on the chip in the fob there is a little peice of metal with four tabs on it. He just pulled the tabs up some and now it works fine. I guess it wasnt touching the battery good enough to work.

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Quote from MadFish, posted on Sep. 25 2001,2:44

I put a new battery in it thinking it that was it. But, it wasnt it. I went and talked to a friend of mine who works at one of the Chevy dealers here in town. He played with it. And on the chip in the fob there is a little peice of metal with four tabs on it. He just pulled the tabs up some and now it works fine. I guess it wasnt touching the battery good enough to work.


Thanks for solving the problem and letting us know about it. I'm on the way out side to aim my fob at my head and see if it works. Will that cause cancer like my cell phone does? Will my ears wiggle?

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