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Aim the Headlights!

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Anyone know the procedure to aim the headlights? I'm confident I can find the adjuster screws around the headlights but I need to know what height they are supposed to shine at a given distance. I cranked my t-bars a while back and now the headlights on my 03 1500 Silverado are shining into people's mirrors pretty bad.



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the adjuster bolts are right on top of the headlights and just line it up with your eye.... best way to do it is to find a level piece of land by a wall, park about 10' away from the wall and adjust your headlights so they point slightly down. That should get the light off of people's mirrors.


Just don't adjust them down too far, you don't want to take away from their effect.

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Thanks chevy4x4 - I pretty much had that figured out but I thought maybe there was a spec'd height from the factory the lights were supposed to shine at at say 20 feet or 30 feet, or whatever.


Thinking about it some more, I suppose the height to adjust the beams to would be relative to the actual height of the headlights to some degree. For instance, if I adjusted my beams to the same height on the wall from a distance of 10 feet as a stock truck's beams, then my beams would not shine down the road as far as the stock truck's beams because the angle of my beams would be steeper since my truck sits higher.


Anyway, just thinking out loud - thanks for the reply.

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