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fuel pump, filer, or?? help on 1992 gmc vortec




1992 gmc v6 with 116k miles. bought new and only routine maint. performed over the years outside of a radiator and water pump. suddenly today while driving it would not take gas....or rather seemed as if it was not getting gas. would idle, although it did seem to not idle as smoothly...engine would be smooth, then rpms would drop down a little...about like an engine with the a/c turned on would do. was not skipping.....just rpms would go down a bit. i had to drive it back about 20 miles. would do ok as long as i did not exceed maybe 2000rpm, but above that engine would just die down----never cut off, but would feel as if it would if i did not lift on accelerator. have never put a fuel pump in and don't think the fuel filter has ever been changed. last gas added was about 50 miles or so ago and i still have over 1/2 tank. i drove it about 20 miles today before it started doing this and there were no signs or symptoms at all until it suddenly began to have major hesitation. thanks for any help offered!

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Change the fuel filter, and you may also need a pump now as well. Trying to pump fuel through a plugged filter puts a big strain on the pump.


after the filter change, seems to be running fine. i will keep my fingers crossed the fuel pump was not damaged. Fyi for those who want to change one, you need a 20mm end wrench, 5/8 end wrench, and a 1/2 socket with 4 inch extension. Takes about 15 minutes. Filter is located under driver side door on frame rail.


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