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Another "Service 4WD" Question




Yukon 2002: getting the dreaded "Service 4WD" message when I try to go from 2WD to 4 WD. Message only displays when I push either of the 4 WD buttons.


I have all lights on the 2WD / 4WD push buttons lighting when I start vehicle. Then all go out but 2 WD indicator light. When I push 4WD hi or 4WD low, it's light blinks, but that's it. When I go back and push 2 WD button, it stays lit. There is a slight noise underneath when I push 4WD HI, as if it's trying to do something, but not the normal sound when it worked, and there is no sound for 4WD low. I've read the switch is the first thing to try replacing, but sounds like the switch is probably good?


I'd appreciate any and all recommendations. I understand the 4 WD solenoid/actuator is about $250, so I'd hate to start replacing components w/o some plan of attack. Is there any way to get diagnosis information w/o a reader?



2 answers to this question

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Me personally I'd get it to a shop for a good look over and repair. I'm capable of probably handling the repairs but rather leave it to a pro to dianose. I'm mechanically inclined but this situation is out of my league.


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