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2017 (or any K2XX) Gasser Axle Lube Capacities.

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Getting ready to change the fluids in my truck's driveline. The owners manual gives a spec for the transfer case, but just 'points' to fill the axles to. Has anyone done their axles recently to know what the front & rear axles took? I live an hour away from any parts stores & don't want to wind up needing another bottle of lube to finish the job.

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I'm not sure why the Owner's Manual doesn't provide that info. From the research I did for my 2016 2500 gasser...


Front Axle - 75w-90 3.6 pints (1.8 quarts)
Rear Axle - 75w-90 5.5 pints (2.75 quarts)
Transfer Case - Dextron-6 ATF 3.2 pints (1.6 quarts)
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16 hours ago, Elite130 said:

I'm not sure why the Owner's Manual doesn't provide that info. From the research I did for my 2016 2500 gasser...


Front Axle - 75w-90 3.6 pints (1.8 quarts)
Rear Axle - 75w-90 5.5 pints (2.75 quarts)
Transfer Case - Dextron-6 ATF 3.2 pints (1.6 quarts)


In the past, wasn't there more axle 'models' used than nowadays? I think the way the manuals are written, it's left to the owner at point of use to determine how much to use. Then again in today's world, how many owners change their own oil, let alone the transfer case and axle fluids? The braintrust has found that since so few do, why include the info since the majority wouldn't find it useful.


And thank you very much!

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14 hours ago, revrnd said:


In the past, wasn't there more axle 'models' used than nowadays? I think the way the manuals are written, it's left to the owner at point of use to determine how much to use. Then again in today's world, how many owners change their own oil, let alone the transfer case and axle fluids? The braintrust has found that since so few do, why include the info since the majority wouldn't find it useful.


And thank you very much!



Its funny, even the service manual will say fill to the spec, but, for example, the transfer case instructions tell you to fill to the top of the fill hole.  Odd of them.


Axle count has been narrowed up a bit.  GMT-900 HD and K2 HD were easy, 10.5" on gas 2500, 11.5" on all diesel and then gas 3500.  Both use the same 9.25" IFS up front.  T1 HD, all gas get the 11.5" now, diesel are 11.5" or 12", front is 9.25" IFS.  Kind of nice as it reduces the amount of different axles and lets them use two ring gear sizes to cover all applications including dually (different hubs on the ends for those).

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