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The TERRA-izing Of GMC

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For the past three years, we have seen a barrage of Terra - products from GMC, TerraDyne, TerraCross and now the 2002 Terra4.  There is no denying when GMC welcomes the 2003 model year with a fresh face for the Sierra, not only will it separate it more from the Chevy brother, but will adopt the looks from the Terra products.  GM would never produce three very closely related concepts without the reality of production for the GMC line.


As it is my nature... here is the 2003 Sierra (all in my head)




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I've heard through the rumor mill that the Chevy Trucks will get the front clip off the Avalanche in '03, so for those who hate it or haven't learned to love it yet, I'd suggest you buy a '02 while the intereest rates are low...


I like the looks of the Avalanche from the front, and one thing is for sure it looks one heck of alot better than the redesigned Dodge!!!

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