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Tranny Temperature

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Just wondering what everyone's Allison is running at while towing. Mine got up to over 200 degrees (the 2nd tick mark after 200 on the gauge) yesterday. It never has been that warm before. Of course, I was pulling my 30' fifth wheel camper. This was while driving through some rolling hills at 60-65 mph.

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Mine ran anywhere from 190 to 215 while towing in 85 degree weather through the Texas hill country. That's also in Tow/Haul mode with 18 squares of shingles in the bed or an 18' Bayliner in tow. It usually runs about 150-170 when not towing and depending on ambient temp. Your temp sound OK to me but I'm no mechanic by any means. I'd just keep an eye on it.




EDIT - Crud I didn't notice untill now you were asking about the Allison! (which I don't have) Oh well. :confused: I'm sure you'll get plenty of responses from those with the Allison.

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