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Site Issue With Firefox?


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Have been using firefox for my web browser forever. Went to check the forums today, and it popped up with the download window, and asked what I wanted to do with the file(as in view with a program, or save the file). Dug around, and found my IE, and everything opened fine for it. Anyone know what gives? Any site updates that may be messing with firefox?


I actually had that same issue earlier today sometime around 4pm CST, but with IE7. Kept prompting to save the the .php file. This was the only site having the problem. But then it was fixed.


This was a server side problem, not a problem with your browsers. There was a bug in the software used to upgrade/configure Apache and PHP which caused the problem you saw. Sometimes I hate computers. :puke:


Same issue here with IE7. When it happened, I went to my Firefox browser but all wasn't well there either. A few minutes later both were fine again. Figured we had a hiccup with out providor.


I've been having that problem for the last few hours. When I tried it from another machine, everything worked fine. So, I cleared the cache in Firefox (on the machine I had been having problems with) and all is well again.


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