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Hi From Bulgaria


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Hello everyone,


My name is Sevy and I live in EU, Bulgaria, Sofia. I am a Chevy fan and at the moment I own 3 vehicles with the big yellow plus on the front grille. They are a 2002 Chevy Tahoe 5.3, 4x4, a 1998 Chevy S-10 Extended cab 4.3, 4x4 and a 1996 Chevy S-10, 2.2, 4x2, regular cab. Appart from them I have some other vehicles which are not interesting in this forum.

American cars are rare in Bulgaria and Europe. They are concidered unefficient because of their size and fuel consumption. This makes me lucky to own cars that very few people have in this part of the world. Maintenance is a little tricky when it cames to parts and technical information, but that's why god has created e-bay and forums like this one. :thumbs:

Keep on the good work by running this forum and posting helpful information!


P.S. Sorry for my English!

P.S. Sorry for my English!



There is a lot of good stuff in here. Your English is probably better than most of ours!



:D Nice trucks! I'm really liking that S-10. Welcome to the site! :thumbs: and don't worry about your English, you type better then a lot of people on this site.


It is really hard to find them because as I said they are rare. Also a person that owns such car will not sell it because the only reason he got it is because he likes it. This is not a car that you buy by chance. There is another reason why not many people own an american car - the import taxes! The last car I got, the Tahoe, I was able to buy just because the owner had burned the 3-4 cluch pack on the automatic transmission and he had no idea what to do. The Chevy dealer was asking for 12 000 US$ for a rebuild transmission and 1000 US$ for labor to replace it, so the poor owner just wanted to get rid of the Tahoe. I managed to buy it for the unbeliveble price of 10000 US$. It's worth more than 30000 US$ here.


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