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Dash Board Peices

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Ok, i hate to be the new guy that comes to a board and posts "We make this product" however... We make this product... ;) It started out trying to make something neat for our Escalade, and turned into a full on 'every body we knew wanted one in their style'...

so here they are...




please dont flame me out here for being another guy tryin to sell stuff.

-Too bad, you are.. its annoying.. you're not paying to advertize on the site..-Z


Looks good. :thumbs:


No flame, but did you check with the site admin?


I only ask because we do have site sponsors that carry similar products, and they might not appreciate it.


Good looking setup. :P


also looks like the bentlys arnage...

looks like many hot rod products.


i may be a newbie here, but com'mon, we dont have to be mean. If the product looks bad in your opinion, i understand, but we were asked if this product can be put in to street trucks new build up. and we are featured products for truckin and sport truckin. Plus the only Truck related product listed on the dupont registry site ...


someone likes it.

thanks for your replies though, I did ask for comments but i thought we would all be a little more civilized than to say 'eww'... if you dont like something, just say 'its not for me'


You won't please everyone that is for sure. Good for you taking the initiative to bring that piece to market. Good Luck selling them :shakehead:




yeah newbies will buy anything......

Come on the newbie thing isn't called for... I happen to think it doesn't look bad as a matter of fact I have seen much worse looking mods IE the billet gas filler door and somehow others seem to think it looks cool go figure. It's all a matter of opinion. Like some used car salesmen trying to sale me a purple S10 years ago said after I commented on how gay the truck looked, "There’s a different seat to fit every A$$". LOL To each his own! You don't like it that's cool I do and that’s cool too!



Crispix396 great job looks like it fits perfect! I personally have been looking for an Escalade trim piece however it’s nice to see other options.


atomoverride, who died and left you in charge? I see you busting people's chops for the prices they want for their parts and here a guy makes a part and you bust on him with your"expert" opinion. What are you...13 years old? Why don't you just say "it's not my taste" and let it go at that. That took some skill to make that dash insert so what have you produced for these trucks? Give it a rest!


thanks for the support, i dont ask people to love everything. but even with music, someone wrote it, and pt their heart into it, you dont ahve to listen to it, but at least respect it.


each peice of 12x17 has almost 3500 litle machined cirlcles, and is laser cut out, and painted with 2 clear coats of automotive paint to provide a high gloss. then we disect the bezels and attach the peices inside it.


as far as the escalade peice, here is a photo of that



i am not sure how to reply to each of you who has sent PM messsages yet, so any questions, just call us, its a 1800 number, and its free :lol:


***Non supporting vendor*** -Nut


oh, and i see one of my posts says 'edited - non-supporting vendor' i guess that means that i need t o pay someone something to post on here, if someone would contact me, instead of just deleting it, i would appreciate it. I amdit, i am new to the silverado site, but i am far from new to the custom car scene. thanks guys

  • 2 months later...
yeah newbies will buy anything......good luck with your sales bro.

Check your post count, before you call people newbies.



The dash peices look nice. As gmcjoe said, very Trans Am-like.


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