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A little starting trouble

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Today washed my truck


well ok later this evening i left to go to my gfs.  Started up my truck.  Rpms went to 500.  Then they dropped.  I think my oil pressure gauge moved but i am not totally sure how much.  I noticed some smoke come out of my tailpipe.  Went and checked and had some puffs of white smoke.  Didnt smell anything burning (checked my oil today and the level is fine).  Truck seemed to wanna die.  Then a few moments later started running fine.  No SES or anything.  Started up fine at my gfs


I am thinking maybe this is due to the cold weather as of late?  A little cough?


Any ideas?

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Guest CapnDean

Same Dang thing happened to me a few weeks ago.


 A puff of blue smoke and a rough idle for a few minutes.


On the chevy 350, it was common for the valve guides to allow a little oil to leak down into the cylinder after shutdown.  This was generally when you had a high mile engine.  This would cause you to get a puff of blue smoke at startup on an otherwise perfectly good running engine.


That is the first thought that came to mind.  Then I realized that my daughter had been listening to the stereo before I got in.  She had the key turned 'on' (instead of back to acc).  I figured that just maybe the fuel pump had given a pile of gas to it and that I was experiencing the burn off.


I dunno...it hasn't happened again since.




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Just some ideas:  Around the great lakes we've had warm days and cool nights lately.  That's a good recipe for condensation in the exhaust system.  In boats when we see white smoke from the exhaust we look for water getting into the system.  That white smoke may have just been condensation cooking out of the exhaust.


As far as the hard starting goes - hmmm.  Maybe just a computer hiccup?  Maybe an injector was dirty?  Hard to say until it does it again I guess.



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Thanks guys


to clarify a little


This happened at 6pm that night. I had started my truck that morning 10 to move it to wash it.  Then when i was done i started it and moved again 12pm.  No problems  So about 6 hrs later after it sat in 70 degree weather


Has ran perfect since.  Been rainy and cool too.


Im thinking it was constipated or something.  Truck has its own personality

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With all the electronics on vehicles today we all are just accustomed to starting up the vehicle and it just running perfectly. Every once in a while vehicles with F.I. and ECU...OBI and II will act funcky, sometimes you get a code  to spit out sometimes you won't. Just drive it if you can and the computer will smooth things out after a couple miles. (we hope) My .02 worth


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