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Shipping cost on a Denali grille

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What gives??? :thumbs:


I found 2 different auctions on Ebay for Denali grilles and both were wanting $100+ just for shipping!! Is the grille that much bigger or heavier? Or am I just running into some over inflated rates?

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Since it is oversized shipping isn't cheap, but it should only run about $40-$50.

A lot of sellers take stuff to the UPS store and get charged an arm & leg for them to pack it up. Then they want you to pay for that. BOOO!

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Need to know

* dimensions of box / packaging

* actual shipping weight

* Zip codes (both shipper & consigne)


It may be to large to go UPS and may have to go by LTL (yellow, ABF, Overnite freight lines etc)


If I had the dimensions & weight I could run my freight calculators and get true shipping cost


the $ 100.00 posted shipping charge at the e-Bay site says shipping & handling, That would include cost for Boxing and Tape etc.. The size of the box required to ship the grille could be a few bucks in it self IF the shipper does it with quality boxing to protect the grille during transit.


Yes you got to look out for some of the sharks on e-Bay they sell the merchandise cheap but charge BIG $$$$ for shipping & handling.


If you saw the same adds I saw for the Denali Chrome OEM grille not a bad deal IF you lived local and could pick it up yourself and save the shipping charge. I'm looking to upgrade my Yukon to a Denali Grille, But the S&H is putting a damper on it for me.

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Yes, that was the same auction = ) I'm thinking of doing my Sierra.


I guess the shipping might be valid but for me I can buy one around the house for not much more than some of the auctions + s/h

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Yes, that was the same auction = )  I'm thinking of doing my Sierra.


I guess the shipping might be valid but for me I can buy one around the house for not much more than some of the auctions + s/h





The best part about finding it local is you can see it with your own eyes to see if its as good as the seller wants you to think it is.


The local junk yards want $ 250.00 & up for the few I have found that have them and they would not dicker on the price with me. Not worth my time to even go and look at them so I can't say what they even look like.


I have seen a few advertised inserts that are all metal (stainless steel and/or steel with chrome) that are priced atractive. I would like to see one for real to see if it really looks like the factory OEM denali grill and how good the mounting hardware is.

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I'm also looking at the Street Scenes race grilles - I like the look of them in the factory Sierra housing. I'd like to see the black chrome in person as well to see how it compares to real chrome and my trucks black.


As for the Denali parts, I'm gonna just start collecting them and when I have everything I'll to the conversion. I have a nephew that lives in Dallas and works for GMAC...so he has some contacts with some big GM dealers down there...Hoping he can get a break on some pricing for me!

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I paid $45.00 to have my grille delivered. They need to be well packed to keep them from being broken. Some Ebay sellers keep their selling price low and make money on the shipping because they pay less of a commision to Ebay that way. It is strictly against Ebay rules if you ever want to report somebody.

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