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Dirty Rotton Little...........


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Had to cool down some before I posted this. Good possiblity I may have been banned for language abuse :D. Suppose I can laugh now, not to loudly tho.


The worse part is/was that I was out of town and my wife was driving the truck when this happened and she says "I'm sorry".....WTF :thumbs:, man that hurt.


Anyway once it warms up I'm going to see if I can somewhat lesson it, got my dremel, touch-up paint and clay bar. I'll try it first, got nothing to loose, the whole door has to be done. Might actually learn something here on touch ups. (ya, can't be done :P)






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It should go without saying, but your wife is not at fault. It's something all of us here know and believe. We know you don't blame her, and she shouldn't feel as bad as she may.


It may be impossible to do but I hope you find the SOB that did that and do the same to his face with a buck knife. I say face because doing it to his jugular might be just a tad extreme. :thumbs:

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Man that sucks.

Did it happen at a mall parking lot?


I always wondered what went through someone's mind to make them do that

Did you park too close to their space or cut them off in traffic and they just followed you there and waited.


I it so uncalled for and totally chicken sh*t

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It should go without saying, but your wife is not at fault. It's something all of us here know and believe. We know you don't blame her, and she shouldn't feel as bad as she may.


Thats what I was trying to say, that hurt more then the scratch. Couldn't believe she said that!


Happened at the Grocery store/Plaza Parking lot


On a good note, being a Metalic Sandstone and depending on the angle, you really don't notice the scratch all that much, only when I reach for the door handle, its a little reminder........:cheers:




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Plain, I think a lot of times it's just someone who can't stand seeing someone else have something nice. My tailgate has a mark on it that I don't know when I got, but I know I always park in the South 40, so they had to go out of their way to screw up the clean truck.

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That sucks. I know how you feel. Some idiot side swiped me in a parking lot when they were either backing in or out of the parking spot. Didnt leave a note or anything. Big dent in the rear of the cab and a BIG dent going all down the bed. Its fixed now but boy it sucked. $3000 worth of damage and 2 weeks without my truck, luckily insurance covered it.


Oh well, the world we live in....

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