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My sons 98 S-10 is stuck in 4wd. He took it to a dealer and they diagnosed it as a bad encoder motor. I changed the encoder motor and cleared the codes and still its stuck in 4wd. I have since tried swapping the control module and dash switch from another 98 s-10 and still no luck. Has any one ever had this problem or does anyone have any suggestions. If the dealer had been resonable they would have done the repair. They wanted $720 to replace the motor, thats after the $100 to diagnose the trouble. I got the part new for $285 and did the swap in an hour. So thats roughly $425 an hour labor. I'm in the wrong business.......... ???
My moms 00 blazer got stuck in 4wd (you could get it back in 2wd but it took a long time of continuously pressing the button).  Her problem had something to do with the TCC module.
oh yea the dealer fixed it for like $200 (gm went half so it was like $400)

You may also want to check the vacuum switch that threads in to the transfer case as it is not uncommon for them to go out.


I believe it will be easy for you to spot and once you remove it you can have someone put the truck into and take the truck out of 4wd.There is a small,round bearing on the bottom in that should move around when it is being switched and if it doesn't then that switch could be bad or he may have damaged the vacuum harness in some way.


If it is the switch,the part number is 15598481 and runs about $30 at the dealerships if I recall correctly.


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