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Dented doors on my new Sub!

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Someone backed into my truck and creased both the front and the rear doors. :lurk: Other party's insurance is on the hook for this. Get this - other party claims they couldn't see the 18 foot long 7 foot high truck behind them. :devil:


The body shop is planning on repairing the panels. What I am not so sure about is that they are planning on blending the paint on the fenders front and rear as well. I'm already feeling queasy about them having to shoot new paint on the doors. :flag: But the though of them shooting on the fenders' perfect factory paint makes me cringe.


I'd almost rather have the doors painted and not touch the factory paint on the rest of the truck. Since I'm not a paint expert, I have to ask if it is even really necessary to shoot the whole door. Can't they just shoot the rocker area and blend at the line where the molding will cover?


:devil: What do you guys think? Anybody had similar repairs?

Photo of my dented doors.


....Can't they just shoot the rocker area and blend at the line where the molding will cover?


:devil: What do you guys think?  Anybody had similar repairs?





Oh yes, several decades' worth. :devil:


A competent shop will perfectly blend the new paint into the old, otherwise you will see a difference. It is a good technique, if the shop you use is competent. They may or may not have to blend into the fenders. I think they are just allowing plenty of allowance. Be sure to watch for overspray and tell them you'll be watching for that.


Additionally, after about two years or so, you will gather minor dings and nicks and the shop can repair and blend making the truck appear as new again. Again, if it is a competent shop, you will be delighted at the repair.


Thanks Irymal. Just got jitters of first repair on my new truck. :devil: Dropped it off today with the shop and they said they will try to keep the blending low and limit it to the doors if at all possible. Just hope the door moulding holds up. :devil:


Well, I got my truck back from the shop. I have to say I am impressed - the blend line is about 3 inches above the molding.



Interesting that the rocker panels now have a mirror smooth finish, but the rest of the door still has the factory orange peel.


They were nice enough to even put on replacement strips of the paint protection film on the door edges. And you guys know much I like that stuff. :D


Looks Great... When I Go To A Store I Park Were Noone Else Does WAY WAY IN BACK even though its a walk but if its at nite you can show your NEON off :tear:


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