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What happens to GMPP if GM goes belly up?

Mighty HD

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yeah if you read the Motor Trend articles celebrating the small block, they mention a few times that the small block is a cash cow for GM and GMPP....and there are tens of millions of small blocks around, so that division would probably be "protected"


EDIT: you weren't talking about GM Performance Parts....were you?


If GM attempts to go "Belly Up" the Feds will not let it happen. If GM goes belly up, the feds will loose a large part of the transportation fleet. GM is too important to the US economy and the feds will bail them out. From what I have heard and seen, I would agree that they are probably doing this to break the UAW. IMO.


[at first this may seem "anti-worker" but read the whole post to see my point/opinion]


sometimes unions need to be beat down some to get the company straight. Unions are good to protect workers, as I am seeing now(the USPS is trying to take a chunk out of Postal Worker benefits).


I'm in a union, but my job craftr is litteally a key role in keeping the post office running b/c we are brinning in hundered of millions in revenue through programs that only we are involved in....when the PO syas "you deserve less" they can't prove it, because they are forcing us to make them more money than they even use each year! pretty odd situation for a compnay which is supposed to break even every year!!!!



In the case of the UAW, from what I know, theya re costing more and more money. a guy assembling a car dosen't bvring in revenue unless he is precise and fast.....but American workers are costing three time as more for the same work. from a money standpoint, which is what keeps a business alive.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but to stay alive:

What GM needs to do is implement more machines to do the work in place of people, whivch will reduce how many people they needs= less pay and pay of benefits. The machines are faster and more accurate anyway. They wouldn't need to FIRE or LAY OFF ANYONE!!!!! just add machines in areas when peopel retire. They only cost would be initially developing machines where they haven't been used before. From what I know, UAW workers aren't bring in money, just making the product, and if they want to stay they needs to make their job worthwhile, become more effecient, and worth every penny they make. I had a teacher once say "if they pay you 5 and hour, work like its 10, if they pay you 20 and hour, work worth 40 and hour./ Being a union member myself,m about 75% of the union people DON'T come even work worth what their paid, because the union protects them SO MUCH!!!! GM's competitors are doing better becuase it costs less to build a car in a nother country which means the money can go to higher quality materials, better reviews and mroe sales......

Guest chevydeerhunter
[at first this may seem "anti-worker" but read the whole post to see my point/opinion]


sometimes unions need to be beat down some to get the company straight.  Unions are good to protect workers, as I am seeing now(the USPS is trying to take a chunk out of Postal Worker benefits).


I'm in a union, but my job craftr is litteally a key role in keeping the post office running b/c we are brinning in hundered of millions in revenue through programs that only we are involved in....when the PO syas "you deserve less" they can't prove it, because they are forcing us to make them more money than they even use each year! pretty odd situation for a compnay which is supposed to break even every year!!!!






Everyday, we see people who have absolutely nothing to do with getting the mail from point A to point B, yet they are so instrumental in making decisions which will affect the USPS down the road. Carriers have been stradled with so many extra "jobs" and have had to adapt to new ways of doing our jobs that would make people's heads spin. But we do it and do it well, yet it isn't enough for the pencil pushers at the district level. Those are the ones who've never carried a bag or walked a route in their carreers but they adjust routes that are 400 miles away based on tainted information taken from tainted programs(DOIS) that is input by (some) tainted supervisors. I belong to the union, but I am no died in the wool lock-step brain dead union member. I can certainly see both sided of the coin. Sorry to hijack your thread and thanks for letting me vent!


Hmm, a disgruntled postal worker :D I can understand the frustration though. Neighbors found out today, in the new development they're looking at, there will be no more mailboxes, just a central drop site with individual locked boxes due to the post office being overwhelmed by new construction.

[at first this may seem "anti-worker" but read the whole post to see my point/opinion]


sometimes unions need to be beat down some to get the company straight.  Unions are good to protect workers, as I am seeing now(the USPS is trying to take a chunk out of Postal Worker benefits).


I'm in a union, but my job craftr is litteally a key role in keeping the post office running b/c we are brinning in hundered of millions in revenue through programs that only we are involved in....when the PO syas "you deserve less" they can't prove it, because they are forcing us to make them more money than they even use each year! pretty odd situation for a compnay which is supposed to break even every year!!!!



In the case of the UAW, from what I know, theya re costing more and more money. a guy assembling a car dosen't bvring in revenue unless he is precise and fast.....but American workers are costing three time as more for the same work. from a money standpoint, which is what keeps a business alive.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but to stay alive:

What GM needs to do is implement more machines to do the work in place of people, whivch will reduce how many people they needs= less pay and pay of benefits. The machines are faster and more accurate anyway. They wouldn't need to FIRE or LAY OFF ANYONE!!!!! just add machines in areas when peopel retire. They only cost would be initially developing machines where they haven't been used before. From what I know, UAW workers aren't bring in money, just making the product, and if they want to stay they needs to make their job worthwhile, become more effecient, and worth every penny they make. I had a teacher once say "if they pay you 5 and hour, work like its 10, if they pay you 20 and hour, work worth 40 and hour./ Being a union member myself,m about 75% of the union people DON'T come even work worth what their paid, because the union protects them SO MUCH!!!! GM's competitors are doing better becuase it costs less to build a car in a nother country which means the money can go to higher quality materials, better reviews and mroe sales......






Unions are killing companies in this country right now, mainly airline and car manufacturers as well as pro sports. They served a purpose before the gov did so much for the workers in this country. Now that the gov has so many laws protecting workers the only thing they do is get raises for workers that dont deserve them and are helping force jobs overseas. I wish our gov would figure out that this country needs manufacturing jobs to support the economy. Create 300k in service and hospitality sectors to cover the fact our ability to actually make anything is fading and killing our economy for the future. Enough of a rant for now.


First of all I will personally gaurantee GM will not go out of business. Bankruptcy is possible as well as a merger/acquisition and the dropping of Buick and Saturn is imminent. We need to remember that sometimes all bankruptcy does to a company other than the obvious is to make them perform their best. Nissan almost went under in the late 90s and look at them now........total turn around. All it took was some new management/investors. Lutz has not had the chance to work any magic yet and I have very high hopes for the guy........he is a "car nut" just the like us. Anyhow, GMPP is not owned by GM anyhow, it is however "endorsed" by GM. The companies are in fact seperate. This threw me for a loop when I heard this a few years back, but it is in fact the truth. Similiarly, GMAC is not exclusively tied in to GM anymore. Regardless, GMPP must honor out the extent of their waranties regardless of the circumstances.


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