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SecureIT Plus

Elwood 2000

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Anyone using it?? My internet provider is pretty much telling me that I have to use it. I must be one of the very few who keeps my "critter systems" current and running.


All in all, it does not sound too bad, but I like what I have and a couple of the things they offer, and is part of SecureIT Plus are: "Hard Drive Optimization" and "Microsoft patch update management" (which means, they do it automatically for me). Drive Optimization?? I don't want "others" fiddling with my hard drives.


They do, however guarantee their product and if I ever have any kind of "critter" related problems, they will pay for any fixes needed.



I have looked at it on the internet and find just the basics of the service, but no one who says that they like it or don't.


Does anyone here use it?? If so, do you like it or not.


Call me "old school", but I like what I have going right now. I have used it for a very long time without any issues.


Why fix it if it ain't broke??




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I don't really like all in one solutions. It looks like this software is an upsell for your ISP and lots of others. Vendors sell this stuff to ISPs for a very low cost then the ISP sells it for what they feel they can charge. Most ISPs who require the software will give it to you. Look at your terms of service to see if it's "required" as part of your agreement. If it is required and you have to buy it, I'd consider changing ISPs.


I wouldn't get it unless I thought it would really work. I'm fairly knowledgeable about computers and I haven't seen one software package that fixes or protects everything. It's kind of like dressing for cold weather, you do it in layers.


I did a quick google search on this software title. Here's the website.




I'm not saying this is bad software because I haven't used it. You should do some homework before you install it. Personally, I'd pass.



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Who in the heck is your ISP?


Tell them to piss up a rope.


I'd go dial-up before I installed something that lets others in my computer at will.





What he said. That kinda software consumes resources and may crash your drive if it is written poorly.

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Well, here is the deal. They are raising my rates $7 per month anyway. I talked to them and the bulk of the customers NEVER deal with any type of spyware, anti-virus, etc., etc., and they never even manage their own computer. (defrag., erase temp. files, etc.) Then they get pissed at the provider, call and complain and the providers techs. spend most of their time fixing problems that are not their own.


One one hand, I can see their point, but I maintain my computers and I told them so. I can run whatever I want, but if I do end up with service probems, they won't even talk to me unless I have this system in place. Basically, I am on my own if (when) I have internet problems. They feel that this will eliminate the bulk of their customer service issues and leave techs. to work on REAL service problems.



MY problem is that they are the ONLY high speed service for my area. Dial up is the only other alternative and that company REALLY sucks. I will turn the internet OFF before I go back to dial up. I think I am going to "fly solo" and keep my current systems going.


Thanks for the advice, I just have not heard anything about SecureIT and from what I gathered on the web, I was still not too sure or keen on the idea.

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Well, here is the deal. They are raising my rates $7 per month anyway. I talked to them and the bulk of the customers NEVER deal with any type of spyware, anti-virus, etc., etc., and they never even manage their own computer. (defrag., erase temp. files, etc.) Then they get pissed at the provider, call and complain and the providers techs. spend most of their time fixing problems that are not their own.


One one hand, I can see their point, but I maintain my computers and I told them so. I can run whatever I want, but if I do end up with service probems, they won't even talk to me unless I have this system in place. Basically, I am on my own if (when) I have internet problems. They feel that this will eliminate the bulk of their customer service issues and leave techs. to work on REAL service problems.



MY problem is that they are the ONLY high speed service for my area. Dial up is the only other alternative and that company REALLY sucks. I will turn the internet OFF before I go back to dial up. I think I am going to "fly solo" and keep my current systems going.


Thanks for the advice, I just have not heard anything about SecureIT and from what I gathered on the web, I was still not too sure or keen on the idea.






First and foremost it is never a problem with the ISP it is always at your end. Some of the problem is these places hire people that don't know crap and read it from thier screen cause they can't find someone to work for what they pay. When you get ahold of someone that knows what they are doing you get thier info incase you have a problem you can get ahold of that person directly if your lucky.


I'm sorry this is the only option for you. They say it will help but they fail to realize they now have to support the software or (most likely) tell you it is the softwares problem and to contact the software folks. Which they will bounce you back and forth on whos problem it is, then in the end.....Its neithers problem but a problem with YOUR computer. :cheers:


If you use common sense emailing and surfing spyware and AV software is not an issue. I don't use either myself.

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If you've been running trouble free on dial then keep doing it. The only thing the ISP is doing for you is providing access to the pop. The dial vendors take care of the pops. He does have to support customers who don't know anything about their computers, which costs him money.


Why is the ISP raising rates? Are they providing additional services? For what it's worth, the cost of dial to the provider is dropping unless he is losing volume, is having to pay excess usage charges or is trying to offset the cost of offering DSL or other services. He isn't paying $7 for the software he is forcing you to use. He probably is getting a price break if he can get above the minimum required number of subscribers. He's hoping to reduce his support costs and let you pay for it. It is a business so I don't fault them for that.


You didn't mention the ISP so I assume it's someone relatively small. Perhaps it's time to look at someone bigger like Earthlink. Most of the big boys don't like to raise rates because it increases churn. When they do raise prices, they all do it. I think Earthlink is 21.95 a month. Most likely they have a local pop, they don't require you to run their software and the service is reliable. I've been a customer for about 8 years although I don't use dial any more. If I had to run their software, I wouldn't be their customer and I don't do AOL because they absolutely require their software. If you can configure dial up networking you can use anyone you want.


For disclosure, I do work for an major ISP and it's not Earthlink. I'm not a sales guy. Use of spyware and anti-virus is very important. There is a lot of freeware like ad-aware, spywareblaster Spybot search and destroy and on and on. You usually need several of these products to keep your system clean. I'll guarantee that you aren't clean if you don't use some of these products. It's the price of being on the net.


Sorry about the length. I hope it doesn't sound like a sales pitch or like I'm bashing the smaller ISPs.



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Guys, thanks for all the replies. My provider is Speednet, dtnspeed.net ,


I live in the sticks. They are the only service provider in my area, short of one dial up company. Phone lines around here are very old and dial up is just a train wreck. They say they that with increased costs, they are forced to raise prices, but they are "offering" this for free. I agree, they are buying this SecureIT Plus at a volume discount, selling it to the customer and making money. From what I have learned, they are not making any equipment upgrades, so if there are increased costs, it must be somewhere else.


I have looked at several other companies and none offer service here.


Currently, I run AVG, Spybot, Ad-Aware and I do use Mozilla services, Firefox and Thunderbird. I have had NO problems since using these things. I keep them updated daily and run scans daily. I am not saying that I am bullet-proof, but I feel reasonably protected, especially given the places that I go on the net. I have not ventured into "The Darkside" of the net and don't really plan to.


I will keep what I've got and keep looking for other providers. I fear my continued search will be futile though, as I did learn that Speednet got the small towns around here to sign EXCLUSIVE deals regarding the placement of their antenae on the top of their water towers. Another problem for me, is that I live in the woods. I had to clear a path for the line of site that I have now.


Personally, I feel hosed, but at this point in time, they have me boxed in. Use them, or use dial up or go with out. I am going to stick with the systems I have now and keep using them. If things take a dump, I will cross that bridge when I get to it.



Thanks for the help. I am off to Florida for a quick weekend trip.


Thanks again!!

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I don't know man...That almost sounds like something you can contact the BBB about.


Dollars to donuts that crap kills your PC's performance.


I say refuse it...The only thing you should need them for is asking whether or not they're down. I've never gotten help out of my ISP for anything anyway...Other than "did you reboot your router?".

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