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Tapping/clicking Type Noise

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Hello all, I have a 2005 Sierra, when I am stopped (don’t notice when I am driving) I hear a tapping noise in my dash. It is a slow tapping noise not fast. Anybody else hear that? Thanks in advance, Jake.


GM HVAC fans run all the time. Could be that? Also any CD/DVD player has cooling fan on the back could be that as well. The CD cooling fan on my old truck got some dirt in it, made so awful noises before it cratered.


Thank You 99 Black, don’t want to sound dumb. What is a TSB? The noise doesn't bother me; I just want to make sure it won’t lead to a real problem down the road. Also how do you guys get pictures of your trucks in the post? I tried it and it read that the file was too big. Thanks again, Jake.

Technical Service Bulletin. Its a band aid or a condition that GM says is normal because they dont want to fix it.



geez ain't that the truth.... :uhoh:


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