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2003 6.0 Silverado missing and sputtering under load




My work/hunting truck is a 2003 2500HD with a 6.0L and a 5 speed manual. All stock.


It has 111,000 km (69,000 miles) on it currently and runs perfect except it hesitates/misses/chugs/sputters under load between 1500 and 2200 rpm


you can make it do it on demand with the empty truck and it is much more pronounced with a load.


No error codes, the MAF is clean, fresh plugs, new fuel pump and filter, TPS tracks properly on a scantool, MAF looks normal on scantool (no apparent vacuum leak), no KR showing on scantool......


Truck gets normal fuel economy and makes good power otherwise.


Any ideas greatly appreciated!

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Is the replacements fuel pump aftermarket, or GM/Delco?


I would also check fuel pressure. Maybe you got a bad replacement pump.


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