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**Posts Regarding the war on Terror**

General Lee 01

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Fellow GM-TC'ers,


Please keep threads and posts that have to do with the war on Iraq to an absolute minimun.


Posts that show support for our troops are by all means ok, but please  refraim from posting "Well, I hear so-in-so is gonna send 50 tanks to So-in-so within the next hour..." for  posts like that  might Jeopardise our troops' attack plans for the forseeable future. We don't know who or what sees what we  say  here in GM-TC, so I think it would be in our nation's best interest to play it safe.


Think of it this way, it's kinda like when you see kids playing hide and seek, and you tell the one that's tagging "Hey, one of them is right behind that trash can right there.".


Please be warned that all posts which fall under the category stated above, joking or not, will be deleted or edited out without a second thought.


Thanks for understanding,  and GBA!  :jester:


It's difficult for me in this day of spy satalites and electronic eves dropping to imagine that the phrase "Loose lips sink Ships" still applies. The President in his address even told the enemy when we would attack. Retired generals are all over the news programs describing out military equipment and our capability to destroy an enemy.

I'm with you though. Support the troops not the enemy. Now is the time for all Americans to rise to the occasion and wave their flags proudly.


Two points:


A.  I am 99.9999999999999% sure no Taliban or Iraqi's regularily visit this site for war intel, or ideas of how to prepare for future attacks.


B.  If anyone here had valid info, I doubt they would be just haphazardly be giving out dates, times, and locations of military movements.




All points taken... :jester:


Yes, it's quite unlikely that Iraqis or Talibanies visit this site for intel, but still you can't be 100% sure.  Which is why we're taking percautions.


And yes, I know  that info is not too hard to find if they're looking for it. But we are gonna do our part.


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