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Flash in the pan


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Batgirl and I spent three days and nights in the mountains prospecting on our gold claim near Big Bear California. The photo shows that the old timers didn't get all the gold stuff.



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Gold gold gold gold gold gold feevavavav, gold gold gold gold gold gold feevavava. LOL :fume::fume:

I know that song. They used to play it on the GPAA show on TV. My son sent away for a copy and used to play it on the way to the claims. I wish I still had a copy of that song. I've even searched the web for it to no avail. If you know where I can get a copy let me know.

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Gold gold gold gold gold gold feevavavav, gold gold gold gold gold gold feevavava.  LOL   :fume:  :fume:

I know that song. They used to play it on the GPAA show on TV. My son sent away for a copy and used to play it on the way to the claims. I wish I still had a copy of that song. I've even searched the web for it to no avail. If you know where I can get a copy let me know.

Sorry, I've only heard it on that show. I'll do a little search.


Edit: Couldn't find it on Kazaa. Have any idea what the title is?

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Yeah, best I could do was a small clip from the website. (cyrilmay.com)


I used the autosearch feature on Kazaa-lite and let it search for the song all night, and it never found it.


I did find a couple of funny ones from waaay back when.


Country Dick Montana "Happy Boy"




"Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road"


Great tunes.

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