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Never noticed this before

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Yesterday I was checking fluids and wiping down the engine compartment when I noticed the main wiring bundle coming from the box to the firewall is encased in cheap plastic sleeving EXCEPT where it makes a radius to get by the master cylinder/power brake unit. There all the wires are plainly visible and unprotected. I think this is really strange. If the plastic sleeving is too rigid to make the turn, some other material should have been used. You no the old saying about the weakest link in a chain! Anyone else notice this or is it only my truck??? :rolleyes:

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split wiring looms "open" at the seams around bends, especally if the split is on the outside of the bend.


I have in the past done several different things to correct this problem


1) if possible twist the loom so that the split is as far away from the outside of the bend as possible

2) use plastic ZIP wraps to keep the split closed

3) purchase a length of plastic wiring loom and slide over the existing loom, then ZIp wrap to hold in place.


It seems the older the vehicle gets the more exposed the wires will become in the wiring looms.

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The sleeving on the wire bundle on my truck dosent just open at the radius, it is non-existent. This is what I originally said was strange. The sleeving stops at the radius and then continues on the straight part. If it is only on my truck, I would think something is screwed up, if it is on all trucks, then it would be a design flaw. I dont want to believe they would leave these crucial wires exposed on purpose.

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