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Transfer Case Not Shifting




I have 2002 silverado 1500. The service 4 wheel drive light is on. It is stuck in 2 wheel drive, will not shift. None of the dash button lights are illuminated. I replaced the encoder motor, and replaced the dash switches, neither fixed the problem. what else could be the problem.

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the fix for that according to the bulletin is to replace the encoder motor sensor in the encoder motor assembly and reprogram the TCCM.seems you may have a different concern ,cannot diag over the internet electrical problems ,take it somewhere to have it diag'd,good luck ,keep us posted

the fix for that according to the bulletin is to replace the encoder motor sensor in the encoder motor assembly and reprogram the TCCM.seems you may have a different concern ,cannot diag over the internet electrical problems ,take it somewhere to have it diag'd,good luck ,keep us posted



well i took it to a Chevy dealership she hooked it up and scanned it and tried to clear the code and it came back up. if i replaced the whole encoder motor, then it had a new sensor on it ,right? They couldn't tell me any more without running tests and checking all the wires. Would it help to try another known good control module.

you can try,why didn't they finish diagnosing the problem?and yes a new sensor is in the encoder motor assembly,



they said it would take awhile that i would have to schedule a time


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