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Rough Country 3.5" lift installed

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Okay I got the Rough Country 3.5" lift today on my 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500.

First of all, I don't want to hear people say "Oh Rough Country sucks" or anything along the lines of that. I'm not here for opinions on the brand.


I also want to say I got the standard kit not the premium. I still have the stock control arms.


Second of all I had the Chevrolet Dealer install the lift and the tires for me. The lift was $525 installed with Alignment. I do have to go back at roughly around 500 miles they said for a realignment. It took them roughly 9 and a half hours to install for whatever reason I'm not sure. I just know sitting at a dealer for that long absolutely sucks.


I got the nitto terra grapplers 305/55R20 for $300 each.

I have these on the stock 20 wheels that came with the truck as I couldn't afford replacements on that yet.


I measured just quickly on one side I'm roughly at 41 and 3/4 on both front and back from the ground to the top of the wheel well. I'm on an inclined drive way though so that may have an effect on it.


I've only driven 25 miles so far, but my basic impression is obviously it takes out slower. It does in fact rub when you have the steering wheel turned all the way. (which I experienced in the parking lot) The ride itself I don't find rough at all at the moment. It's better riding now then it ever has been.







Drive way is at an angle that's why the front is higher in this picture.

























with some creative zip tying to the lower fender wells you shouldn't rub at all and that way you shouldn't have to cut anything.



Thank you. I'm wondering though if maybe they didn't put a wheel spacer in if that could be the reason for the sound? Me and my father see no marks at all in the wheel well of where it could be rubbing. It's like a marker against a dry erase board kind of sound.


put a wheel spacer in? did you get wheel spacers with the kit? If it's barely rubbing it might sound different. i'd pull them back a little bit just in case, it's only a matter of time before you're turning up into a driveway or some combination to make it rub being that close. you may also want to poke your head in there and make sure it's not rubbing anywhere on the inside (on the frame, sway bar, etc) oh also check the small push pin that holds the lower fender in place, larger tires tend to rip those right out that might be why it sounds different on the rubbing


Well I mentioned wheel spacer because I saw this on Rough Country's site



"*Run Your Factory Wheels*




These 0.25" wheel spacers allow you to run your factory equipped wheels with our 3.5" or 4.75" lift kits. Only fit 6x5.5" or 6x135mm bolt patterns."


It's raining now, but I was going to see if it possibly rubbing on the inside somewhere. I appreciate the help.


pics of front angles, they look bad in the pics



Hope this is good enough if this is what you were asking for. I apologize for them being upside down.






Can almost guarantee your rubbing the sway bar because of the stock wheels. You're running stock UCAs with 3.5" of lift, your droops were cut off, you have RC shocks, and heavier tires...sorry but it doesn't ride better than stock. Or as good for that matter. Anyway, get new wheels or spacers.


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