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This is just a warning for whomever might be considering the Arnott air suspension products. I have a 2003 chevy tahoe that I've used since I bought it new to haul trailers, a couple of 28' pontoons to and from water, and numerous other loads. It came with the autoride package of which there are numerous threads talking about its eventual failure and subsequent expensive replacement. I searched everywhere for a replacement and finally came across the arnott conversion kit that is offered for GM's with a failed autoride. I spent $750 for the replacement springs, shocks, and computer override, and another $260 to have it installed. Once it was installed I headed to the lake to hook up my pontoon of 6 years. Unfortunately my truck dropped to the ground with the trailer support only a couple of inches from the ground. After much research I verified that the springs were the correct ones, as well as the shocks. When I went back to Arnott customer support they told me that "their products were for trucks and SUVs that would not be carrying load, and that I should stick with air shocks if I hauled loads". I can't understand how they would even offer such a thing. First, if you did no hauling, then the autoride would probably never fail. Secondly, who says the next owner won't haul a boat? And finally, there is no warning on their website that it will basically shutdown your truck or suv. They should include a bright orange sticker to be placed on the vehicle to warn any future buyer away from it. Right now I'm chasing it down with my state's attorney general due to the seriousness and affect it has on my vehicle, that being lack of steering. Yea, a book,,,, just be forewarned on Arnott's conversion kit.


While the Arnott Coil Conversion Kit can tow small items it will not lift large loads to same height as the factory Autoride system. Autoride is a fully automatic ride control system that continually adjusts the damping level on each of the four individual shock absorbers. Autoride's "tow/haul" mode helps improve vehicle body control while towing and hauling by offering increased levels of damping. Also included with Autoride is automatic rear level control, an air suspension system that helps keep the vehicle level over a wide range of passenger and loading conditions. Our engineers designed the Arnott Coil Conversion Kit with extra strong springs but it simply wasn’t designed to replace your Autoride’s “tow/haul” mode. Our Customer Service reps should have told you this if asked. A better solution would have been to replace your system with new Bilstein/Arnott Rear Air Shocks (AS-2127) for $369 and the Bilstein/Arnott Front Shock Kit (AS-2126) $429 if needed. While there is nothing we can do about the installation, If you wish to swap the conversion kit for these items we would be happy to try and work with you.


I lose all sympathy for someone when they immediately resort to "Right now I'm chasing it down with my state's attorney general". You are ultimately responsible for what you buy and apparently didn't research enough on your own. Replacing an air supplied, load leveling shock system with coils and gas shocks obviously is not appropriate for heavy towing. Arnott has made a stand up offer and the parts are easy to install yourself.


Lol dream on buddy, you'll have as much luck as people suing cam companies for loss of fuel mileage. Next time read up on it before you buy.


trust me,,, I did read up, everywhere. Go search websites for anybody with this issue. The part is advertised as a replacement part for the GM autoride system. It doesn't state that it only takes care of half of the autoride system, or once you install you can't use the truck for hauling, etc; only that it is a proven replacement for the autoride system. I bought this through O'Reilly, and they came to the same conclusion based on the documentation out there on Arnott's website that these parts were intended to replace the autoride system. Status right now is I installed some air bags to try alleviate the problem, or at least get my boat out of the water for the winter.

stealthxl---- I didn't immediate resort to this. I spent half the summer with a boat stuck in the water getting 'so bad so sad' replies from Arnott until I posted here. I intend to make contact with Arnott and see what the offer is. And without the equipment to do this regularly, there isn't much easy about pulling suspensions, etc.

kstruckcountry --- No suit coming from my end, I know better.

Arnott website for my specific part: For years our development team have been tirelessly developing and testing new technology to create a perfect conversion kit to safely and effectively remove your factory installed electronic suspension. plus,,,, Now you can finally replace your problematic Autoride suspension with a complete kit engineered and designed by the innovators of air suspension replacement systems for over 23 years! To most consumers I would think this looks like a pretty reasonable and trustworthy solution for replacement of a faulty autoride system.


We do address that issue in the FAQ for that part and our general FAQ (but I understand how you could overlook that question or the FAQ button which is in the upper right hand corner):


Should I replace the air suspension parts or just convert my car to coil springs?


If you like the load-leveling capabilities, or tow things with your vehicle, then you should repair the air suspension system. If you are tired of replacing the many components that your air suspension consists of, then the coil spring conversion kit should be perfect for you.


trust me,,, I did read up, everywhere. Go search websites for anybody with this issue. The part is advertised as a replacement part for the GM autoride system. It doesn't state that it only takes care of half of the autoride system, or once you install you can't use the truck for hauling, etc; only that it is a proven replacement for the autoride system. I bought this through O'Reilly, and they came to the same conclusion based on the documentation out there on Arnott's website that these parts were intended to replace the autoride system. Status right now is I installed some air bags to try alleviate the problem, or at least get my boat out of the water for the winter.

Sounds to me like it did what it said it does. It replaced your worn autoride shocks did it not? I can find a replacement 4.8l motor used for my truck as a replacement though compatable on the charts it will not give me the same performance as the 5.3 that came in it. To think you could remove auto air leveling and still maintain the same towing is just naive at best. To use a coil that would perform the same would make your truck ride like a pallet of bricks on on solid axles unloaded, so you would be upset either way


What arnott need to do is start making remaned autoride front shock for my truck


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