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HELP! cant find source of sqeak!

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Hello all, for the past few months my truck ( 2002 Silverado 1500 4.3 v6) has had a bad squeak from the engine compartment and i just cant seem to find what is causing it, this is how it started- Altenator goes out, replace it, engine starts squeaking, doesnt seem to get louder with speed but maybe alil of a faster squeak, so it seemed to be coming from the center of the engine so i figured waterpump bearing, replaced pump, still squeak, replaced powersteering pump, still squeak, tensioner, harmonic balancer, idler pulley, all with same result, so finally reolaced belt, squeak went away BUT after about a week notice the edge of the belt was riding on the edge of crank pulley which eventually tore the belt, so put another new belt on and watched it, after a few secs the engine would act like it was under load, tensioner would push downward causing slack in belt and hope off center of crank pulley, now keep in mind old belt does not do this but squeaks i am all out of ideas!


My granpop taught me to use a hose to find noise, one end at your ear, the other in your hand moving around listening for the sound, works good, did you try any spray belt dressing?


There are 2 types, one tends to get "gummy" the other is more of a solvent, I like the solvent version




ill give the hose a try but i have a stethascope but havent been able to pinpoint with it, ive always been told not to use belt dressing on a serpentine style belt


Yeah I know what they say, but it helps prove you need a new belt cause the spray will quiet it down and then you know, my 94 Impala SS has the serpentine belt and I could not get rid of the squeak with little sprays of dressing

(the belt had a lot of life left on it so I didn't want to replace it)


Finally I got the squeak to go away, in frustration I sprayed it with WD-40 and run the motor till the belt dried, squeak left and has not come back, that was a year ago LOL


I feel your pain!!




So your saying I should try spraying it down with wd40 and see what happens?, I've done the spray the ribs with water trick and it went away for a few seconds


Well to be honest, once you said "the edge of the belt was riding on the edge of crank pulley which eventually tore the belt" I think its time to see a mechanic, sounds like something is now out of alignment


I did the WD-40 because I figured I would just replace the belt if it worked, But after a year I see no damage to the belt from the WD-40 and the squeak is still gone


In frustration I really soaked the belt down, it was dripping from every pulley and took a 1/2 hour of idling to dry up


its just driving me crazy that it only started after the new altenator which is for sure the right one, and ive been thinking it could be a misaligned pulley but i just cant narrow down which one, i know it cant be the altenator, waterpump, powersteering, tensioner or idler pulleys so pretty much all thats left is the crank pulley but how coukd that be misaligned?


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