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Seat Belts

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Was Wondering if anybody has had the same thing happen to them, my seat belts are a really big pain, the hold you so well that you can't move at all ! the drivers side isn't to bad but lately its been getting worst. the passenger side is really bad once you hook it you can't move at all and this is really starting to piss my wife of ! she hates its ! it didn't seem or at least i don't remeber it doing it so much when it was new. but like i said if you need/have to move you have to unhook it. has anybody else had the samething happen ? and what did you do to fix it or is this something the dealer knows about ? i also seem to have a noise or? in the back of the drivers seat which i did tell the dealer about but of course they couldn't hear it not a big thing just something i'm getting sick of hearing ! Thanks !

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If you pull the seatbelt all the way out, it goes into "ratchet mode", which is handy for baby seats, etc., but miserable for passengers. To avoid this, don't pull it all the way out. If it does it, release it all the way and start over.


The driver's seat shouldn't do it at all, and in a crew cab it's only the back seats, not the front.


Mine has an occasional squeak-squeak from the driver's seatbelt retractor. If it gets worse, I'll pull the belt all the way out and relube the takeup mechanism with a needle point sprayer on a can of teflon spray lube.

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I think the problem bad2500hd's talking about is overly sensitive locking mechanisms. The ones that lock any time sudden deceleration occurs (I think a weight or something is used for them). I've had the same problem happen with both the 2003 Trailblazer and the 2004 Silverado, more often on the TB though, and I feel for you. My wife gets angry about it too! :D


Sorry that I can't offer any advice on how to reduce the sensitivity of these things though. (If anyone comes up with something be sure to post it here, cause I'd like to deal with it once and for all too) :cool:

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Same thing in my truck. I thought that she was being over sensitive on a recent trip so at the end of the day she took her shirt off and showed me her shoulder I think it was red or something but I was really distracted.

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Hi guys thanks for the help, andwith the passenger side it doesn't make any diffrents how fast, slow or if you stop ! just once you pull it out it seems to like lock in place and you can't move it at all never heard the kids say anything about the back seats. and the noise that i hear is like right in the 1/2 way to 3/4 way up my back i hear it all the time but of course the dealships can't ! also my truck being 2years old and only have 17,900 on it i was out looking at my tires today and all 4 are cracked ! all the way around, i have had tires for 4 or 5 years and never had this happen to them ! have you guys ever looked and seen if you tires are like that ? seems being only 2years with that amount of miles they shoulded have done that ?! will the dealer do anything about this ? just seems like there are alot of lttle thing with this truck, I had a 1998 1/2 ton and never had a thing wrong with it ! not one little noise etc .! but this truck ! seems like all kinds of stuff, and i aws planning on keeping it for another 4 years or so since i bought a plow for it but i am begeining to look at some other trucks ! :D

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I thought it was just my wife, but I guess not. My passenger side does the same thing! And I get the occasional squeaking from each side.....hmmmmm. Guess I'll take it to the dealer and have them fix it. Anybody know of any service bulletins on this problem?

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The cracked tires- have you used Armor All or some other similar stuff on them? I've heard that some of these chemicals can actually cause the rubber to dry out quicker leading to cracking. (I use tire instant tire foam myself and haven't had this problem yet, but I haven't had either of my vehicles for much more than a year yet)

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Seat belt squeak is simple to fix I can't believe I drove around for so long with it doing it....never bothered me mind you but it sure would the wife...then of course I would do it on purpose just cause it's fun to see the little vain pop out of her neck :D


The plastic cover on the seat just slide your fingers under it and pull stright out. The tabs the plastic slide into are at 7 and 1 oclock...pull the belt all the way out and apply a shot of WD40.....hasn't squeaked since....45000 miles still not squeaking


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wileE1, the squeak isn't in the seat belt but in the back of the seat itself ! right around your shoulder blades ,maybe just a little lower but in and around there ! Thanks anyhow i'll keep the belt squeak and how to fix it in mind ! also to USA1fan, i have used the armor all on my tires but not that much, maybe 4 to 5 times in the summer ? thats it, but i never had that happen on other tires that i have used armor all on before and i do think that i did hear one time that they cause something to happen/not good to use all the time on tires but i can't remeber what it was about ? thanks

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