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I'm not trying to take focus away from this site or anything, but if you don't frequent other sites you may not have seen this thread.


Just wanted you guys to know what me and some others have been going through.


Moderators...if this is inappropriate....please let me know and remove it.


Buyer Beware - GMFullSize Thread





edit- I went through the thread on GMFS and I agree with their concerns. IMO, this thread stays for the time being.- Frank

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I for one appreciate the headzup.  I have been close to ordering from that dude before. 

After reading all 23 pages of that thread (hey, I'm at work... :D ) I have to say I feel for you man.    :uhoh:






Yeah the thread itself is a bit out of hand, but there are a few of us in there that got robbed.


Anyways.....just wanting to spread the word and hopefully save some of you guys some money.

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Now we all have to be real carefull - I guarantee you that Juinor will be up and running under another name soon, if not all ready. Good luck SC hope it works out for you.

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:withstupid: Wow...after reading a few pages of that...all I can say is I'm never going to paticipate in that low-level juvenile forum. Regardless of who is right or wrong in that argument, what a mindless waste of time...and the moderators/administrators getting down in the mud too...man!

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:withstupid: Wow...after reading a few pages of that...all I can say is I'm never going to paticipate in that low-level juvenile forum.  Regardless of who is right or wrong in that argument, what a mindless waste of time...and the moderators/administrators getting down in the mud too...man!





I hear ya....the thread got off topic a bit, but it was the only communication we had with Matt Forsland for awhile. Now he's gone altogether.

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