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Emissions in MN

R Dogg 56

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, any emissions equipment on your vehicle is a FEDERALLY mandated piece, not a STATE mandated. A catalytic converter is a emissions control device and is mandated by the FEDERAL government to be on ALL vehicles. Now I understand what you're gonna say, but we don't have testing in MN. Right, your state government doesn't test the "effectiveness" of the emissions equipment on your vehicle. That doesn't mean it gives you free reign to remove everything. If for some bizarre reason any member of the law enforcement community or a Federal authority should pull you over, find you have removed your cats, then you will be subject to the fines as prescribed by the Federal government.


Secondly, removing cats may net you a few ponies, net you a MPG or two, but you lose a lb-ft or two of torque and you generally will have a "raspy" sound to your exhaust note. To me it's a 6 of one, half dozen of another scenario.


And trust me, I'm not preaching at you to keep them on, just explaining. If we didn't have emissions testing here, mine would've been long gone. :cool:

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