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Door Handle Change?

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I just bought a set of Escalade outside door handles. I took the inside door cover off this weekend, but saw no way to reach the handle. Can anyone please tell me how this change is accomplished? Thanks


WAR,  Check out the www.pickuptruck.com  site

A guy over there named renosparks changed all

his handles, flairs for body color ones..Check out

the "I got mine back" thread on pg. 1.......

pixs and all that....He would know ! Looks good too...



When the entire panel. remoce the two trim srews and lift panel up and away from the door. The remove the weather shield, after that you can see two holes directly behind the outisde handle, these are the ones that are closest to the edge, use your socket wrench and extension and remove those two. The third, is directly centered in the handle at the inermost portion of the handle, you have to put your hand into the pocket with the window up and unwrench it and that's it. There are two plastic clips conected to wire that is alittle thicker than a hanger you have to pop those loose from the wires. They are you locking and door opening controles. look ick is in front of the other for when you replace the new handles.

P.s.Don't loose the gasket when you move the lock to the new pull handle.


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