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New Headlights

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I changed out my headlight bulbs last weekend for the xeon bulbs I bought from www.midnightmoose.com for really cheap. ($15.95 a set).  I replaced the highs, lows and fogs and so far I'm really happy with them. They are a white color and not the off white like the factory lights. Lighting pattern is the same, but the color is different.


I'm keeping an eye on the fogs because the replacements are 50watts. i don't want to melt the housing. So far so good!

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I replaced mine too with the faint blue tinted ones.  They are 10 watts stronger than stock.  From head on they aren't the "blinding" blue like on the Mercedes etc...  but the extra wattage and the small color difference really works!!!

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I use the PIAA Super White high and low beams in my '01 Suburban and replaced the driving lights with their new facia and a set of 40 series lights. The Super Whites are nice and throw off alot of light. The 40s series are extreamly bright! My '02 Suburban will have high and low beam HID lights and the 40 series on the bottom  :0  They're going to make night look like day!



2001 Supercharged 6.0 Suburban- for sale! -15.87 @ 88.41

2002 8.1 Suburban - coming soon!

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Quote from chevy4x4trucks, posted on Nov. 06 2001,4:07

Sweet, I was going to change mine some time, but they already blind too many people.


BTW, have any new kits for us, I'm looking forward to the Steering Wheel Radio Controls.


next time just go ahead and get an LS! :)

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