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I thought awhile about some things that are actually racist in the US. One that’s been made even worse due to Covid is the public school system. The racism of trapping primarily minority children in remote learning can’t be ignored. And all because the teachers unions in their big cities don’t want them back in school.

And how about the racism of these (Democrat-run) cities also blocking school choice programs that would allow many of these minority children to get out of their atrocious public schools? Do any of these kids stand a chance under the current conditions? Have you seen the test scores?


Nobody discusses the issues above because they are owned entirely by the Democrat party; they can’t fix the problems and they don’t care to. So instead they redirect focus on the supposed racism of a Dr. Suess book, and a sex addict who said he shot asian women (and a white guy) because he’s a sex addict, and not because of race?


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If people want better schools, and better education, then certain things need to happen. The 2 main things are, get rid of the politicized Department of Education, and teachers unions. There both used as political tools and for the money. They have nothing to do with actual good education.

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2 minutes ago, Bash74 said:

If people want better schools, and better education, then certain things need to happen. The 2 main things are, get rid of the politicized Department of Education, and teachers unions. There both used as political tools and for the money. They have nothing to do with actual good education.

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That’ll never happen. As we know, instead of taking action, they put referendums on the ballots at every opportunity asking for more money to “fix the problems”. The people voting usually oblige “because of the kids!” and the money promptly gets pissed away on salary increases and building improvements. Even when the teachers aren’t at work and the buildings empty. It’s almost laughable how long this cycle has been repeating here locally. As test scores continue to plummet in the inner city.


Kids that haven’t been to school in a year. And with the latest stimulus we’ve now borrowed their future, their kids future, and their grandkids future! Over a virus that doesn’t harm them in the least. Smart. 

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San Diego Unified School District is an odd ball. They provided 100% of the students with chromebooks, 100% of school supplies are provided. School lunches are still served, but the parents need to drive through the parking lot to get them, daily. School lunch is free. They also passed a rule that states late work will not lose points when it comes to grading. They relied on data that showed minorities were at greatest impact, so that was done to ensure the children had equal opportunity to be graded for work completed. By taking the kids out of the classroom equal opportunity to learn is not realistic.

Regarding the teachers union, they have absolutely held the kids hostage. I've called my 1st grader's teacher out numerous times. She's dodging the issue because she is part of the problem. Every time I've been able to get a response she has danced around the subject like a politician.

My 5th grader's teacher is at the opposite end of that. She goes out of her way to help her students, including bringing the supplies to them and making sure everybody is okay. She wants to be in the classroom, and wants to see the students.

As for the quality of education, it sucks. I wish I was back in Utah. They may spend the least tax dollars per student (50th out of 51), but they get the best value for the dollar (3rd out of 51). The teachers are unionized, but the parents hold them accountable. I remember teachers striking while I was in school, but they took turns and rotated with substitute teachers so the children didn't have their education interrupted.

Rumor has it, the federal government told the school districts that if the kids weren't back in school by April 15th that school district would lose their federal funding for next year. All the sudden San Diego Unified's teachers want to come back to the classroom. Can't blame the school district because they've been trying to reopen since December. Everything has been setup for a "safe" return. It was the teachers who opposed it.

As for politicalization of the school system, that is apparent. I'm a staunch 2A supporter (not sorry if you disagree, and don't really care). I've witnessed the left pushing a gun control agenda that data back to the days of slavery. I've seen how they've vilified the NRA, and then I receive mass emails from the school district about locking up guns with links to websites from the NRA's opposition, EveryTown for Gun Safety. The NRA has been working on keeping guns out of kids hands since the 70s with Eddie The Eagle, and teaching gun owners to lock up their guns in every course they provide (I know this because I'm certified to teach almost all NRA courses, only excepting is reloading). From where I stand, if a civil rights group has been telling people to lock up their guns for decades is not allowed to be used in communications sent by the school district, then the opposition (whom opposes civil rights) also shouldn't be utilized. The kids should be taught facts and truth without politics being involved.

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20 hours ago, Donstar said:

Racism is an important discussion for all to be having and I appreciate everyone's comments.  It is not a recent issue nor is it unique to the US and Canada.  Protests during Covid have received some heightened global attention because of scenes of large groups clustered together.  My personal interest was heightened because I struggled understanding the message behind some of these "protests".  With so much information available online, and a lot of time on my hands,  my continued ignorance  was not an option.  It is very big onion to peel!

Oxford Reference in part has this to say about racism: The inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. 


A Thesaurus list words such as "Injustice" or a failure to do "what is right". And there in lies the rub as they say. The rightful originator of 'what is right' has been in dispute since Satan temped Eve.. He literally called into question the right of the Creator to be in charge of setting the standards for right and wrong. As much as it has been argued the truth has NEVER been in question. It just hasn't been very popular to believe in it.


Even the framers knew this. This is the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. 


It is obvious that all people have the right to equal treatment, and that God gives people rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that can be neither taken nor given away.


They stated it was OBVIOUS that it is God alone who grants this power, these rights that no man has the power to grant nor take away. 



And yet....here we are! 








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For the past couple of days  I've been busy adding topsoil to my gardens and lawns.  I figure that I have the time and it will be manageable if I take it slow and easy. My wife said I should spend money and hire someone!   Today my back has launched a huge protest and the message it is giving me has a lot of clarity!   

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1 hour ago, Donstar said:

For the past couple of days  I've been busy adding topsoil to my gardens and lawns.  I figure that I have the time and it will be manageable if I take it slow and easy. My wife said I should spend money and hire someone!   Today my back has launched a huge protest and the message it is giving me has a lot of clarity!   

Oh if you were closer I'd give you some dirt. My lawn builds  up year over year living at the bottom of a hill whose top is a farmers field. When we moved here I dug out two feet around the bottom of my shed to find the foundation only to find two feet of shed missing  :noway:

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Oxford Reference in part has this to say about racism: The inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. 
A Thesaurus list words such as "Injustice" or a failure to do "what is right". And there in lies the rub as they say. The rightful originator of 'what is right' has been in dispute since Satan temped Eve.. He literally called into question the right of the Creator to be in charge of setting the standards for right and wrong. As much as it has been argued the truth has NEVER been in question. It just hasn't been very popular to believe in it.
Even the framers knew this. This is the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. 
It is obvious that all people have the right to equal treatment, and that God gives people rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness that can be neither taken nor given away.
They stated it was OBVIOUS that it is God alone who grants this power, these rights that no man has the power to grant nor take away. 

And yet....here we are! 



Not so fast. Here's the actual text of the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. I knew I kept this app on my phone for a reason.

I know he's not going to be able to read this since he blocked me. But thought I'd post it so others could see.

What the framers actually said, was...23fe6f29a461856bf4c5d11d277ffae5.jpg

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And don’t forget the version that was recently introduced on the campaign trail:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing”. 

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I heard a comedian on TV last night (Brian Regan) make a joke about someone making a strong political statement online and the first comment below this strong statement was something like, "I use to think the opposite but now you changed my mind."    I didn't need to think about the source or the context to get the joke!  People generally favour an opinion stated by a person they respect / admire and will look for the negative from people they don't.   When I feel overly challenged on my views, I do my best to research opposing opinions.  Hot topics like Covid19 protocols, election stuff,  and racism received an inordinate amount of my screen time this past year.  Terms like "new normal" and "systemic racism"  have also been dissected so I  can confidently use other words to express these tired terms.  I suspect everyone is racist and as long as we recognize opportunities for change then we're making progress.  Yesterday I came home and began to describe to my wife about a negative, yet comical, incident that happened to me at the grocery checkout counter.  It involved two store employees.  I described both individuals and I included their ethnicity in my description.  This added detail had absolutely no relevance to my story.  I felt my mistake immediately  which shows my efforts have not gone to waste.  This research has truly been a Covid19 spare time activity and I feel confident to move on to new interests. My 5:30 am to 7:30 am computer time is now dominated with the new EV's by Ford and the Hummer from GM.  I think the Mustang E would be an easy sell to my wife. I'd love one too, except low cars and my personal mobility are a poor mach match!

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I heard a comedian on TV last night (Brian Regan) make a joke about someone making a strong political statement online and the first comment below this strong statement was something like, "I use to think the opposite but now you changed my mind."    I didn't need to think about the source or the context to get the joke!  People generally favour an opinion stated by a person they respect / admire and will look for the negative from people they don't.   When I feel overly challenged on my views, I do my best to research opposing opinions.  Hot topics like Covid19 protocols, election stuff,  and racism received an inordinate amount of my screen time this past year.  Terms like "new normal" and "systemic racism"  have also been dissected so I  can confidently use other words to express these tired terms.  I suspect everyone is racist and as long as we recognize opportunities for change then we're making progress.  Yesterday I came home and began to describe to my wife about a negative, yet comical, incident that happened to me at the grocery checkout counter.  It involved two store employees.  I described both individuals and I included their ethnicity in my description.  This added detail had absolutely no relevance to my story.  I felt my mistake immediately  which shows my efforts have not gone to waste.  This research has truly been a Covid19 spare time activity and I feel confident to move on to new interests. My 5:30 am to 7:30 am computer time is now dominated with the new EV's by Ford and the Hummer from GM.  I think the Mustang E would be an easy sell to my wife. I'd love one too, except low cars and my personal mobility are a poor mach match!
I don't see the mistake you say you made. Just including someone's ethnicity is not a problem. Thinking so is the actual problem and why there is so many problems now. For instance you said you described them, well if you mention gender, sex, age, body shape or multiple of other things you are wrong. See how stupid it is getting. Basically we are headed to just being objects without any definition since everything can be seen as wrong.

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3 hours ago, Donstar said:

I suspect everyone is racist and as long as we recognize opportunities for change then we're making progress. 

When everyone and everything is racist, then nothing is. Throwing the term around willy nilly diminishes the meaning of it down to nothing. And frankly it’s insulting for the victims of true discrimination throughout history. We cannot put someone pretending to be offended by a Dr. Seuss book on the same plane as someone who had to drink from a separate water fountain, or much worse.


Also, you do no minority any favors by going along with the “everything is racist nonsense”. How exactly does making every black person feel like a permanent victim help them in the long run? If someone is raised to feel like they have no chance in society, they will never aspire to do anything with their lives. And you’re giving them a baked-in excuse to do just that.

You say you research the topic when someone challenges you. Please do. 

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2 hours ago, Bash74 said:

I don't see the mistake you say you made. Just including someone's ethnicity is not a problem. Thinking so is the actual problem and why there is so many problems now. For instance you said you described them, well if you mention gender, sex, age, body shape or multiple of other things you are wrong. See how stupid it is getting. Basically we are headed to just being objects without any definition since everything can be seen as wrong.

I appreciate my example wasn't clear.  I was describing the situation and the ethnicity of the individuals had no relevance to the story. Besides, for all I know, they both could be third generation Canadian born just like my kids!  I'm pretty certain that if the employees were caucasian my story would not have included such a detail.  

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