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I got wood!


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Quote from Torque Junkie, posted on Oct. 16 2001,9:41

dang! that's alot of wood that you backed up to?!  Were in the hell?! :thumbs:


Anyways, looking good!  My girlfriend, brother and I chopped and stacked 2 cords on Sunday and I'm still sore from swining that axe.....


Thats what I'm wondering.  I wish I could just back up to pre-chopped wood like that and take some.  LOL


btw, how big is a cord?  I can't remember the dimensions off-hand, its been a long time since I've chopped any wood (thankfully).

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My truck looks clean in the pics, but it had junk all over it!

Actually, the guy who runs the place where we got it, mentioned to me that he liked my  NEW truck. I had to tell him it was 3 years old  :thumbs:


The place is just at the home of a guy who runs a landscaping service.  We normally get wood delivered to our house, but winter is coming, and the guy we ordered 4 cords from isn't showing up!  :angry:

So, those pics are just the first of three loads equaling 1 cord. We are getting 3 more loads on Friday.

That makes 2 cords total, in addition to the one we already have. 3 still isn't enough for the whole winter

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Quote from MOD2FLY, posted on Oct. 17 2001,9:05

dang.... why you gotta tease me like that Mervz?

I was all excited and ready to see wood...

and i get here and all I see is.......wood





I'm still waiting to see a pic of you before i pass judgement.  ;)

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